[size=10pt]Airport and Biplane[/size] Link to map is Here Hey, I decided to take a stab at aesthetic maps, and this is the first idea that came to mind. Originally all I had was the plane, but I then decided to add some things. It includes an Air Control tower, a runway, random vehicles :squirrel_rubberduck:, and of course the plane. The hardest part of making this was the body of the plane. Pics are here. [img width=800 height=600]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd11/Pyromanjrg1/BpPlaneSV.jpg[/img] Side view of plane ( I just noticed its missing the last fin :squirrel_wtf: ) [img width=800 height=600]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd11/Pyromanjrg1/BPRunway.jpg[/img] Runway. The power ups are used as lights for incoming planes. [img width=800 height=600]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd11/Pyromanjrg1/Bpwatchtower.jpg[/img] The air control tower. Teleport leads up. [img width=800 height=600]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd11/Pyromanjrg1/BPPlane.jpg[/img] Front view of plane. Thanks for taking the time to look. NOTE: Please turn window panels to instant respawn. Forgot to :squirrel_nono:
Re: Airport and biplane It looks pretty good, but those spools just looks wrong from the front to me... But I like the rest of the plane.
Re: Airport and biplane This looks very good the Biplane could use some more work, but I love the whole concept of the Airport with the plane landing.
Re: Airport and biplane :squirrel_chatting: Good job for your first try. Maybe replace the wirespool with barrel to make it have not gigantic wheels?
Re: Airport and biplane Yeah the Wire spools did look sort of funny, but barrels look even worse =\. Thanks for replying guys.
Re: Airport and biplane Hehe, that's cool. I do lots of aircraft maps, maybe i could help you fix up your next map
Re: Airport and biplane thats got to be one of the coolest thing ever it would be better if u could mod and make it fly
Re: Airport and biplane The map is very creative and new its just that I want to see more pics of the plane.
Re: Airport and biplane thats really interesting. i really liked the detail put into the map. great job