Well this is my first post so i hope you all enjoy the map. If formating is wrong please tell me or anything is wrong with this post tell me so i know to fix it. Well here is a month of work into my new map. Originally 7th Column version 2, I decided to change most of the features from a bowl to a three level building, so it has its own name. The 7th Column Tower. As stated before there are 3 levels of the building, each level consist of 4 Brs. Starting on the top floor, there are four identical rooms.Now, my map consist on something new that i decided to interduce into this map. I used a grav lift. But its special. as you see from the picture bellow, the gravlift is unknown to be seen. running into the wall and arrows, it allows you to fly upwards towards the top. By doing this, it maximizes the room in the hallways and it is easy to come up and down due to the room of the lift area. I only need to show one side since this map is extremly symetrical. The mauler is located in the middle of the second floor. Yes, there is a rocket launcher but because of its two minute respond it is a small factor but can be usefull when taking the lead in the start. In the middle there is a rocket launcher with 2 shots no extra ammo. You see the elite falling down from the second floor and as you see the bridges above the cross is where the mauler is locating. Also in the floor you can see the 7th Column symbol fused into the ground. Pictures Top Floor Rooms Top floor hallway with an elite coming up and a spartan going down, remember, theirs no radar.. This one bellow shows the gravlift in action, sorry in advance that the pictures are kinda big. But anyways..from this angle you can see it is behind the wall. This one shows the mauler on the second floor. and this last one shows the rocket room on the bottom, above, where the bridges cross is where the rockets are and as seen in the back, the A -> sign is where the gravlift is. (You may also notice the 7th Column symbol in the floor.) Testing with spawning proves that spawn killing can be hard, if you die on the bottom floor you will spawn on the top and visa versa. But on some instanse while dieing on the top floor the enemy may keep running away and this might make you spawn on the top floor. Any glitches, errors or complants please send me a message or PM me at Srgt Something (<-gamertag). This map is ment for mlg so if you have the game type use that or use my game type which can be located HERE. The game types name is 7th MLG. This map supports up to 16 players but it can get messy with that many people so I suggest. 8 people maximum. It is able to play diffrent kinds of Slayer. Team, FFA, H2H. For the best experince try either H2H or 2 Teams of 3 players. Starting weapons should be BR's and two garnades. From all the people who have played this map I have no bad comments. Everyone has loved this map because it is so simple but it is hard to master. MLG fans would enjoy this map alot due to how it is set up. One thing I enjoy most about this map is that if you are being chased it is easy for you to get away and turn the tides on the person, but on the other hand, if you get away, you are always so open so you are easy to be found. Please take a look and comment on the map. If someone has a suggestion or anything please feel free once again to comment so i can edit the map or make changes or so i know to keep it the same. Thank you. Links Bungie.net : Original Post and Download Map
Damn good map man! The center piece in the last pic looks very cool. This couldn't be MLG because I don't think MLG accepts rockets in a small level like Foundry. But yes, very cool. 5/5 and some plus rep. P.S.- Welcome to Forgehub!
X-elent first post!! I'm sorry to say that this map, Well I don't think that its for MLG, Get some more pics and from the looks of it, it looks like a Good FFA Map. Keep Forging!
Very nice ascetics! Although I really don't like the over-abundance of MLG maps (because I never really understood why MLG "PRO's" Couldn't play what everybody else plays.) There is no reason to not admit that this is an extremely cool map. 4.5/5
I dont the map is MLG (but thats a good thing)...... It really looks like a unique map especially with the 7th column on the ground which looks really nice from the pic. The rest of the map looks very well interlocked and may have a fun gameplay with what looks like a multi-level building.
love the 7 colum in the last pic this is a good looking map but as said earlyer MLG dosnt like rockets on such a small map
Good to see an up-to-standards post from a new member. The map looks very clean, solid, and aesthetically pleasing, however, I personally dislike MLG. A lot. As in I hate it. There have been far too many MLG maps created in the recent past. Your map is beautiful, and I can't comment on the gameplay until I set foot in it, but it looks like it would play smoothly.
Wow, one hell of a first post. Great interlocking. Plus a great map in general. Can you provide a whole weapon list though? That helps forgers help you to fine tune your map for great gameplay. Thanks and I hope to see you more. P.S. Great 7th column. It's sexy.
thanks for all the feed back, I think I might revise it n take away rockets n move the mauler down to where the rockets are. As for ur wepons, about 8 Brs one mauler n one rocket. No garnades.
honistly i thought it was a good idea at the time but now reconsidering it, it was a poor weapon choice, i was reconsidering it but with my new map i dont feel like editing everything. there was rockets because it can easily change the lead and give a team an advantage in the start of the game, but once you waste the two shots, its on a 2 minute respond which is resonable amount of time for the other team to regain the lead.