Hi, my name is Gamer720(as you can obviously see), am I am looking for a very good pro forger, one that is known, one that can actually call himself pro. I will not share the idea(sorry) as I am afraid it will be stolen. This may be the next Griffball(even though it is not related to it whatsoever.)The idea will have to be executed perfectly, and be tested alot, because if it is as good as I think it will be, it may be a feature of Favorites. So, any neat, creative pro forgers out there willing to help? Message me on Xbox Live, Gamer720, I will most likely decline blank friend requests.
if u post your idea here there is no way some1 could steal it from you because there would be blatant proof that it was your idea. so post your idea and pros might be interested in helping you with it
I'm sorry, just trust me it's very good, I have talked to c u l8er, Scar Fac3d, cheeseball, and Buddha Crane about it, they all think it's great, but are all to busy.
i could help, but i really dont know if i will be interested in the game, and i wont have access to my xbox until the weekend.
It is a little of both, more of a Mini-game though. You must be good at interlocking in mid-air to help.
Well, I usually use guides so I would make a floating platform first but also I will want to say that I will be very, and I mean very limited on time which might be a bad thing. PS. Did you finish my puzzle yet?
I may be able to help, but I will need to know what your idea is first to know if it is worth doing....check out my Irish highlands thread which proves I'm good at interlocking in mid-air...but if your idea is no good I won't help....also I will want sufficient credit for the work I put into the map...
lol seems like your having trouble with the map gamer lol you made a circle from hell haha, you really need to use the bridges as a guideline dude.
No spam plox. Tho it seems like you found a partner, there's no way your going to get a true 'pro' without saying what the idea is...
as soon as you said pro i was omg, hes talking about me! but the only way i forge with people is is its fun to forge witht them or they can keep up. but i have a limilted time on (school). so send me a message via xbox!
I'm still looking for a good person, so I'll look at the maps some of you made and then message you on XBL, and streetsoccer, you don't understand, bridges won't help, I'm not that far yet.