Hi, guys I have been running into some problems with an instance switch I have been creating. It is a gravity lift instance switch. What I need it to to is reset itself every 20 seconds.....Any ideas?
OK I can help you. So: You need to spawn 2 grav lifts. The first one you spawn will be the one that is forced to appear. So you have the player have access to destroying grav lift number 2. GL1: Repawn time (forced to spawn): 180 (longest) GL2 (player destroyed): Respawn time: 20 Then have grav lift 1 next to an open box (can't get into) or a wall with 2 fusion coils behind it. Put the fusion coils respawn on 20 seconds. Make sure that the fusion coils' explosion will destroy that second grav lift. Now set the minimum grav lifts to 1. When you destroy GL2, GL1 will spawn. When it does the fusion coils will fly up and explode. Though it will only glitch (blow up and respawn) because GL1 has priority (will explain later). then in 20 seconds, GL2 will spawn. This will "undo" the instant respawn. and the fusion coils that just spawned will blow up the grav lift. How it works: When you set a min/max (2 objects spawned with a minimum of 1) the FIRST object placed will always spawn givin the chance. Then the second one will and so on. So, the first one placed will be on instant spawn until the second one spawned appears. If you have any confusion just post, I may be nice enough to make a pretty picture :happy:
Oh ok that sounds like it will work...I'll try and post my results later. Thanks for all your help.. + rep for you