Timed Map Events

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Forging 101: Timed Map Events

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYhieVTFuEg"]YouTube- ForgeHub Video Tutorial #5: Timed Map Events[/ame]

    Now for something a little more innovative yet obvious. As some of you already realize there is an option to not place objects on the map at the start of a round. To do this change the option in object summary that says "Place at start of round" to "Do not place at start of round." Now the object will spawn "x" seconds after the round starts, "x" being the respawn time set for the object.

    Try using varying respawn times on different objects to create a map that changes as the game is played. Also you can use this technique to make objects fall from the sky at different points throughout the game. If you want to make objects fall from the sky be sure to check out "How to: Floating Objects."
    #1 TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2008
  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    After alot of thought, I believe I have arrived at a method for breaking the 3 minute barrier for timed events. It requires some areas of the map to be made inaccessible, and I don't yet know what events can be performed and which can't, what it's limits are. But I'm quite excited about it - more later after I've tried it out.
  3. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Timed events are a great way to create creativity in a map. I used this to make an abandoned warthog that is on fire in the beginning of the game, makes for a cool intro to the map.
  4. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    This really ought to be used more often. A lot of really cool objective type games could come from this. For instance, imagine having to defend the base for a certain amount of time before something spawned that you had to get. A lot of creative things could come from this...it just seems like it's overlooked.
  5. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    I use it to control cages, limit access to areas at certain times, change weapon selection, etc.
  6. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Another commonly overlooked thing is having weapons spawn after a while. Whether as a reward to surviving non-zombies or as help for the offensive (or even defensive) team on territories, new weapons can suddenly change an entire game. Grenades, as well, can be a great thing to abruptly bring into a game, especially if they can be used to access doorways that were previously blocked. All in all, this should be used far more than it is. I sometimes feel like we're only scratching the surface on this Forge thing...

    Then I see maps with all sorts of madness, and I'm reassured.
  7. Killer678

    Killer678 Ancient
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    Yep people ought to start using it more often.
  8. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    I doubt this is possible, but can't try because my 360 is broken. But is it possible to make flags or objectives spawn after a certain ammount of time? That could make some reall interesting maps.
  9. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    Nope, thats not possible. Too bad, though. It would make for some sweet gametypes.
  10. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    Yeah it really would, making a Team Slayer gametype until your boss called in and said we now need to capture their flag, or like we need to take over this area of land for a better position on the enemy (territories)
  11. lifeanddeath31

    lifeanddeath31 Ancient
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    This "trick" is pretty good. not as enjoyable as maybe making people explode in a pit of rapidly responding/exploding fusion coils, lol. But I did use this to have a Hornet fall from the sky in the beginning of an old forge, and have "meteors", fusion coils, crash to earth in the beginning of each set and respond at different rates. That makes for a rather entertaining game type. Still Its a pretty great trick.
  12. rj

    rj Ancient
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    I agree that this is very useful, but I think it would be even better if you could be more precise in setting the amount of time it takes for an object to spawn (respawn times vary by intervals of 10 seconds or greater). I was helping a friend make a race track the other day and we decided to use this technique to make a stop light floating in the air above the starting line of the course, using the three different power-ups as red, yellow, and green lights. The red light (overshield power-up) spawned on top ten seconds into the game, then the yellow light (custom power-up) spawned ten seconds later just below it, and finally the blue light (invisibility power-up) spawned on the bottom ten seconds after that. The end result looked great, but thirty seconds seemed like a long time when we were all sitting on the starting line. This is probably one of the only situations where it would be nice to be able to make a more precise respawn time, but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard at all for Bungie to change.
  13. jv1173

    jv1173 Ancient
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    although this is a great aspect....how can i use this feature.....i mean what can i do to make this cool?

  14. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    You can keep people locked in certain areas for a decent amount of time. Or have a certain balancing weapon or power weapon spawn at a certain point. You can also block off certain areas at certain times.
  15. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
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    Im using timed events less and less these days for the silmple fact that when i have certain object fused together and set to spawn at a certain time the objects become locked on the map i know how to fix the lock i just switch the qty on map to its highest number and then the two oject are selectiable again but then it defeats the purpose of having a times event am i making any scence do's anyone else run in to this problem or am i all alone
  16. GodsofW4R

    GodsofW4R Ancient
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    the map that builds itself
  17. Big Red Dog

    Big Red Dog Ancient
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    is it possible to do this at the same time as auto spawning? ex. fusion coils starting to drop"x" seconds into the game, then autospawn from there, or will it just suto spawn from the start?
  18. plasma qrenades

    plasma qrenades Ancient
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    I plan on using them on my new zombie map
  19. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Yup, if only it were possible to have more refinement in respawn times. 10, 20, 30 second chunks just doesn't allow for a smooth build sequence. Bungie screwed this one up.

    How difficult would it be to add this feature when developing the game? How difficult would it be to add this in with an auto-update?

    Bungie did great in allowing for freedom in forge, but skimped on a lot of features that would have made things SO MUCH EASIER on us forgers.

    --dumb cat
  20. TheExtremeWays

    TheExtremeWays Ancient
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    I found this very useful in my race track, the first lap you only have a few obsticals, second lap it grows and so on. It makes for a nice suprise for anyone who think after the first lap that it's all easy.

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