thats what happens when you do something innovative. some people cant handle something new. look how halo 3 was recieved.
I think its hilarious the change between the latest version of purple bunker compared with the original version of and one box high wall in a rectangle shape and us have needlers with zombies completly surrounding us slowly picking us off one by one.
i like the idea, and saw that vid on youtube. looks like so much fun. but i cant get on XBL untill friday, so i cant play it o wel. great idea, nice map, 5/5
I absolutely LOVED this mini game, even though I played it with like 15 random little kids screaming " this game is lame, lets play ~insert bad infection map/gametype here~!". I wish I had more people to play this with on the other hand :/ Amazing work as usual Bl00D! Also the v2 improvements were exactly what the gametype needed/what I thought to change.
I remember playing this in Vice's and Tex's parties in the last TGIF. What fun! Teamwork is a big role in this, as well as communication. But what's most important is just trying to stay on the ground from the explosions of the pink needles of death. Very fun, congrats on another feature bl00d!
This is thee FUNNEST infection that i have ever played. I downloaded it about two weeks ago and i've played it almost everyday since. Congrats on making a fa-reakin sweet game man. Keep up the amazing work and hope to see another game like it in the future!
The one thing that makes this map stand out more than the other zombie maps is that the zombies have a chance to infect the humans. Great Job This should be fun.
Wow, I watched the video and was very impressed. This mini game looks like a blast. I hope I can try it out sometime. Alot different from most other minigames which is really good...
I like this map not only because the idea is nice and original, but because the map looks clean, neat, and professional. Also- has anyone else noticed that while playing fat kid gametypes that the only way to kill the fat kid easily is to use a needler? It takes down his shields quickly and keeps him at a safe distance from you. Just an observation.
Haha this looks great i've been waiting for a nice new minigame for a while now, and you seem to have done it! I like that you put what the needlers ability is to use gj.
unfortunately youtube doesnt work for me so i cannot watch the video so i will dl and test it out. congrats on the feature too
couldnt the humans stay at the bunker and shoot at the entrance kepping the zombies at the entrance edit: sorry about that did not see the video this looks like it will replace all the fat kid games good job
I can't beleive that some people don't like the map but some other people just love the map. The map is all about playability more then anything else. Even through I'd never played on the map since my xbox is broken but ether way I can't wait too play and see how it's is. It's deffinatly a very unique mini-game map... Great job...
This map was pretty intense when i played it with a bunch of people. I really like the strategy part of it. It really makes you think about when to use bubble shields and other equipment.