Legit PaintBall Created by xxxWxTxAxxx and BK WxTxA Supported Gametypes: Legit PaintBall's settings posted. Dont forget Map and settings! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Map Description This is like a real competitive paint ball layout. In real life this is just how the pros play. If you play paint ball then you will recognize this map. If you have watched competitive paint ball on tv you will to. This is just the same as nppl or x ball. It features all the call outs in real paint ball. Such as back left, back right, snake, dorrito, and 50. At first when i got this working i thought this was the best game ever. I would have to say this is the best game for alot of people, You will have a blast! I guarantee it! _________________________________________________ Center Overview Game Play (snake side) Snake Dorito's Game Play Off of break Game Play Bunkered in snake Overveiw Snapping _________________________________________________ I think this is the perfect game for a double xp weekend. This is so much fun. If you actually play paint ball this will be your favorite. If you get up to like 7 people on a team, you will not stop playing! Dont forget the game settings! I 303 LEGEND "Pretty fun game" OMG iTz CoRpSE "This takes teamwork and skill" The Seavy Boyz2 "8/10! I really like the realism" LI LEG3ND IL "This would be good for double xp!" MAP Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing SETTINGS Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I have played on this before, Is this your map? Or maybe I am Mixing this map up with another one? :\ Sorry if I am but Earlier today I joined my friends game and this map looks a lot like it. & this map has the same name as the other one that I played on? It looks to me that you just done some Editing on it. (Interlocking and some other Stuff.)
Yes this is my map Alot of people already have this map....but from what i know i have only seen 1 other map that look like this but they are both based off real layouts
Pretty cool. Paintball maps do need some more attention and this map looks perfect. Bungie should take a look at this because it looks really fun.
just one thing i think it needs more interesting stuff like interlocked stuff other thatn that perfect i love paintball in rl and in games and it would be epic if it became a double xp weekend thing!
i don't care if its a real layout, paintball has been done a hundred times over, maybe your map is best, but it dosn't matter when theres 100+ paintball maps out there. i'm not being mean, i'm being right.
It looks like a decent map but from the pics it looks kind of empty which isn't good and you should put the bottom of the boxes out. They look much better than the sides. Other than that great job!
thats fine. i dont see what your point is but when i looked into paintball maps....there wasnt that many
This map looks really fun. I've only seen one paintball map n it was just crap piled everywhere. 5/5 DLing
Mwha, awesome! Idk why but would a pro specifically recognize this for some to-Halo-brought features? Or is it just the layout which is so competitive for Paintball? This looks like great fun, good thinking with the choise of guns, and can you explain some details from the gametype?
Hey what ever your name is, If you just post things like "Thanks", you can get warned by a mod, I got warned before too, if you dont want too then I would Suggest making longer post messages like these. Ok!! Just giving you a tip since that your new and stuff.