k guys this is what some graphics sights do is they battle one or another. Rules are simple, someone will post the tag they made and i will post one of mine then we will battle ill post a poll for 48 hours and whoever gets the most votes wins. so any one.... we could make a three way if anyone wants to join
you should probably post yours first, so people can decide whether their own art is an even match. personally, i don't think i'm qualified to "battle" anyone yet. but i'll try to see if i can dig up anything decent. i'll just edit this post if i do.
ya ive seen these on other sites and i wonder if we can get a section of this forum dedicated to battles.
Im going to start a thread dedicated to them. As time goes on and battles are started, Ill post them at the top and let people vote on them but they need to give 2 valid reasons. And I might start a tracker that shows how many battles someone has won.
Battles should be limited to two people, three at most. Anything more and it's just an un-official SOTW.