Logically or artistically

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zachary9990, Aug 20, 2008.


How do you think?

  1. Logically!

    2 vote(s)
  2. Artisticly!

    1 vote(s)
  3. Both?

    6 vote(s)
  1. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Ok I just put this out there as kind of a survey. Are you a logic thinker or a artistic thinker.

    You are someone who succeeds in math and science, possibly over math. Your imagination is slightly weak but if an idea is given to you, you could figure it out and find out how to make it work.

    You are someone who is an artist or has a vivid imagination. You enjoy thinking of ideas and then let someone else figure out how to do it.

    I personally consider someone in the "both" category as someone like an architect. A person who can think of a brilliant building design and have the know how to work with the numbers involved with it.

    Me personally? I consider myself on the both side, but with a slight lean to the logic. I am a very good number and history person, and I can think of ideas, but I have little artistic skill.

    Please post in the poll and the thread about the way you think.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    I'm kind of both sided, but I'm also very good at drawing or painting.
    I'm not that good in math, but yeah, I consider myself both.
  3. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
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    I'm both as well, I am good at drawing and sketching. However at the same time I am very good with science. Not so much math, generally just because I confuse equations with other equations which I've learned before.

    I'm at being artistic in design, but then good at applying that design to a logical use. I think your going to find lots of people from this forum who say both.

    The reason I have for this is simple. Forgehub is mainly comprised of mapmakers. Most maps require artistic flare for aesthetics, as well as logic and reasoning for weapon placement.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I would say both, but more on the artistic side. I love thinking about building design, but most of the things I think of would most likely not work, so that's for sure my artistic side kicking in. I do like to think of designs that work well visually and technically, but my imagination usually gets the best of me.
  5. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    I'd say neither.

    I excell at nothing.

    Nah but seriously i'm a little bit of both. probably more artistic, even though I do better grade-wise in math and science than writing, i guess my ideas don't transfer to paper well.
  6. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    the thing about this is the posters mostly say both because they WANT to be that way when infact they are more likely to be one of them.
    sure there are some people that are both though...

    i, myself, am a logical person but have a huge imagination.
    but i'm not both because i suck at art and arcetectur just isint my thing.
    un less it's forging arcutecture! ;p
  7. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i would say this post is a little off, the people your talking to obviousely have a certain preferance of the art of forge. i would say im a weak version of both. i excell in all four classes at different times, sometimes math is best, sometimes english, etc. ive always wanted to build things and have always been able to draw well.
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The funny thing is that today in my College and Career class, we just discussed this exact topic. =P

    Anywho, I'm right-brained all the way. Simply put, that means I'm more creative than logical.
  9. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Both I guess, but more on the Artistic side. I find it easy to come up with cool ideas, but I find it rather difficult to make them real.
  10. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    I would consider myself a "both", but then again, the survey is skewed, since most people aren't totally honest with themselves about these things. Almost anyone will consider themselves to be artistic, no matter how creative they actually are. As for the math/science part, that's still a matter of what a person thinks of themself. While some people perform poorly enough to be forced into honesty, a lot of people will assume that they are good at the subjects, or that they like them enough to be good at them.

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