The Snow Rocket is a huge aesthetic rocket, it has a land rover, a cockpit, a storage bay, a fusion chamber, and it launches. I will let the map speak for its self. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing You Can find all my maps, screens, and guides at Sqorcks Portfolio |
Wow many awesome rocket. I love the cockpit. That's my favorite part. the launch switch was an awesome idea. I would hate to be under there when it launched. I guarantee this will be in the next aesthetic map pack. Great job.
Holy crap. No wonder you got premium. This map is excellent and is feature worthy (your used to that, right?) and there is nothing I see that needs fixing. Thanks for making the rest of my day. I hate it when people make aesthetic maps, the easiest maps to make and they just make it sloppy. You took your time to make the map worth something, 5/5.
awesome rocket dude! just awesome! i like the fusion chamber and launch switch. looks amazing in general! 5/5
you never cease to amaze me, sqorck. this is the best rocket i have ever seen!!!! i cant wait fo rmor maps to come out
didn't take to long maby 2 weeks. I have lots of maps that are done but ever time I try to take screens and post it I think of a another map to make.
Glad you finally posted it Sqorck. I saw it in your fileshare a couple weeks ago and I was like when is Sqorck posting it... Well anyways its awsome and I give it a 5/5.
i smell a feature! =] the map looks great and the all the combined elements are nice. only thing is there are like 20 rockets made before... BUT NOT ON AVALANCH!! great job. the cockpit looks a little bit sloppy from the pictures, but maybe it's better in the map. i like how you can activate the launch. is it posible to activate the relise of the warthog?
very nice asthetics, i like how you can launch it. it makes me want to stand under the rocket. very well done.
There was someone over at HIH trying to build a standoff launchable rocket but it went horribly wrong, anyone wanna try that? Oh, and now the review. Aesthetics: The map (rocket) itself is very good looking, with little or now bumps visible. My favorite part would be the cockpit. 8.5/10 Originality: Well, its the second rocket I've seen, but its different, in a good way. First by the fact that it "launches", and second that you used a switch to do this! So originality is a 9/10. Overall: This was a great map, I played it at my friends, and it was a blast(NPI). So overall is a 8.75/10, great map!
Nice idea a rocket on avalanche but from the pictures as far as i can tell there are no bases surrounding the rocket. Think about maybe a space station if you plan on editng but overall nice job on the structure.
Im actaully suprised nobody has made a rocket on avalanche: your the first one. Rocket looks really nice, interlocking makes it stand out very well. Nice Job
Omg, this is so awesome, the fitting and neatness, and awesomeness, goes beyong normal sizes! The design is just so awesome!
Nice map! 4/5, but I didn't like the cockpit... it was a little hard to maneuver within it and I think the grav lift could have been moved to the other side of the tunnel/thing. For an aesthetic map, it's really really good and it should be a 5/5... but I don't like just aesthetic maps, I like playable maps... but that's only me, so 4/5 and I hope you get around to posting your other built maps.
Thank you guys for the great feedback I built a base for launching it but it turned out really bad but I think I might try it out and see if I can get a working game out of it.