Back To School

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Steeveness, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    in about 7 - 8 hours, I'll need to get ready for my most important year at school, this is the year I have my exams, this is it!

    Alot of you know what I'm like I worry, alot really way too much this thread is asking anyone of you that has left school:

    Did you do well with your qualifications?

    Well, I aint too sure if I will... Don't get me wrong I am smart I can do the work its just my stress my worrying & paranoia is getting to me.
    All of this I have to cope with on top of my family situation, my step-dad that bullies me, I really to be honest don't know how long I'll cope I've been thinking about dark things lately... Sometimes I really want to end it all.

    Before any of you think it's just a faze, it's not.

    So please talk about your past expeirience with school:

    Did you get on with studying but had no proper friends?
    Are you like me that does a bit of both?
    Or do you not care about school?
    Do any of you have family issues that change your personality?

    Please don't hate

    Steve x
  2. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
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    Ok, I'll take part in this conversation.

    At school I'm a pretty social person, which is amazing, cause I'm really shy at heart. But I push myself to be more out going then I am. I know its for my own benefit. Anyways I keep pretty decent grades, not anything to be proud of, but nothing too bad. I've had lots of issues at home which I could say distract me from doing homework. Like my mom and stepdad used to argue all the time, but not just marital argue, I mean full out yelling at each other (my stepdad used to punch holes in the wall and crap like that lol). And when your trying to focus on homework doesn't really help. Since then that kinda stuff has stopped.

    As for studying I don't really study that often. I try and pay attention in class and take notes once in a while. I can usually do pretty well on tests, and quizzes like this assuming that is of course if I can use my notes. People assume that I'm smart, when I'm not. I think it's cause I wear glasses and ask questions in class. but whatever right?

    As for tests I don't really get too stressed. If I know it's gonna be a hard test then I might study for a little bit. But generally I don't study, and I don't really worry too much about things. I know I'm pretty smart, so I have faith in myself.
    #2 Caboose 702, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  3. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    school has always been simple to me, im in advanced classes, and have a good amount of friends. as for my family, my father and mother get along very well. theyre really cool parents. we hardly ever fight. im going into the 9th grade, so i guess ill see how what its like when i get there.

    but another perticular thing stands out to me, and i dont meen to be rude, but your going to be thinking about ending it all, for the rest of your life? and itll never stop?
  4. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    I'm not sure if what I said will happen, all I know is that if life keeps being so cruel it could happen.
  5. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
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    Don't think like that man. I know times are tough for you right now, but I'm sure if you keep on working hard and getting good grades things will turn out good.

    Trust me, before ya know it you'll have a job, a flat, and be on your own. You won't have to worry about your stepdad (read it on another thread) or anything like that. You'll be able to live like you want to without fears of someone constantly on your back. You've just got to keep on pushing ahead.
    Steeveness likes this.
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    yea, foshizle. caboose has the right idea, times wont be tough forever, and if your having a bad day, pray about it. it helps, alot. :)
  7. V

    V Ancient
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    Ok I can tell you right now about school don't ever let school work worry you. I'm a really easy going kid. Not the most social, but I have a nice group of friends at my school and I try to branch out and talk to new people as much as possible. And I'm a really good student, I get a 4.0 GPA and I play two sports. I usually just pay attention during class, and take good notes and ask any questions when necessary. I study a little, now when I study, I skim over any stuff I'm not sure about. I never try to fill my head with more stuff than necessary. If I don't know something, I'll look over it a couple of times, quiz myself, and repeat if I miss something and then continue onto the next bit. Then, I'll take one last look through the stuff I had trouble with and go relax with something I like (video games, piano, basketball, etc.). But I never worry about tests, projects, and the like. The one time I worried about a final and I got a B which was my lowest final and it wasn't even my hardest class.
    Now about your life. Ending you life is not the way to go. There's so much more. Pretty soon you'll be out on your own, living the way you want to, no parents, no one to tell you how to run your life.
    And out of curiosity, why do you say you're paranoid? Like for instance, what about you would you say classifies you as paranoid?
    Metallic Snake likes this.
  8. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    This is a good point ..
    What i do is listen to music when doing homework to ignore things around me ..
    Some people get distracted by it but i don't ..
    So maybe try listening to a ipod or mp3 when studying/doing homework ..
    But if you get distracted don't as it'll be bad for you ..
    While going through school you should try your best to relax and not worry to much ..
    I know this is hard as i worry loads about projects and going infront of people ..
    But when i think its easy i become calm and do well ..
  9. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Ok these are my 'paranoias' I call them:

    - Sometime I check if the door is locked repeatedly
    - I check the fridge is OK (don't mock me = - Rep)
    - I worry about everyone
    - I think I'll die that night/day
    - I check if taps are turned off properly repeatedly

    Ok these are just a few....
    Theres many more
  10. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
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    hmmm...well you will have to learn to live with these I guess. It's okay though, every person has his or her own quirks.

    I am very forgetful, and forget the simplest of words. I have to explain what the object is I'm thinking of by describing it.

    For instance, I forgot that glasses (reading or sun) were called glasses, I had to say "you know, those things you put on your eyes to see better" It makes me sound very dumb, but I know if someone is around me enough they will realize that I'm not stupid or anything.

    Your the same, even though you've got paranoia people will realize your an intelligent person. People can easily see past those kinds of things. It's best not to worry yourself about that.
  11. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    my experience with school is that it has always bored me i hang out friends dont pay attention and ace the tests my my average is about d through low c but i've checked and when i do my home work i usually get high grades i got an 80 in bio last year and checked what my grade would have been with the averages from other home works i would've had a 95

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