Amazon Grounds Created by Xicemike, Faceplanter7774 and Final Flameshot Supported Gametypes: Slayer Team Slayer Infection* Map Description This isAmazon Grounds At the Camp there are Several Places Fishing Camp as well as hunting, trailers and Cabins. Two Hunting Towers 3 Mongooses Weapons such as Hunting Knives, Pistols, Shotty and Snipers There is a pond with fish too. Floating items are in the map as well Usage for map. 1. Camping Trip or Party 2. Intense Infection Game _________________________________________________ Overview Cabins Trailers Fishing Camp Hunting Camp Sniper Tower _________________________________________________ Download Amazon Grounds
i guess it is an okay map, but all it is is wall corners on the ground. the trailers and cabins are pretty good. 3/5 needs an idea and better map
Ooh looks pretty nice. It looks more like an aesthetic map but it does look playable, so casual map it is. I would give it a 4/5 not a 5/5 due to the sloppiness.
It looks like a pretty cool map, but you should include some more information in your post. By "hunting knives" do you mean swords? They aren't really like knives so I would say they are machetes. That sounds cooler anyway. Some of your objects don't look like they are 90 degrees from the ground. So, I would always use a box to make sure something is nice and straight. That always works well. Good map generally though.
while the lack of merging and i locking is an issue it won't really affect the gameplay but it would make the map look better I like the concept its a good idea but i think it could be improved i would change: the layout make it flow better straighten up the corners and push them into the ground slightly add some action pics they look better and shows how the map will play
nice idea but the map is kinda not so yummy try interlocking and geomerging and it sounds kinda fun......
Grrr, it's a poorly forged map. I don't see anything to special about this map. Sloppy and sad, this map must have taken 20 minutes to build. 2/5, this is a sad map, and get over the truth.