This is my first map, but here goes my post. (Anything referred to as an hour, means a minute.) The humans have crashed on a remote island. The island is has zombies, which have been locked in a room. However, the zombies have developed a technology to get out. The humans have an hour before the zombies get out. (If you are experienced with Nightfall, you can skip the following.) Human walkthrough. You are stranded on a beach, and you have exactly an hour before the zombies get out of their cage. Make sure to look at the clocktower (check screens) to get an idea of how much time is left. Some start out in parts of the downed aircraft, while others start on the beach with a radio and rocket launchers handy. Human Tasks. Humans have very little time to do everything, so they should split up to complete all of the tasks. The tasks include: -Active the teleporter door. --You must get a rocket launcher and shoot at the crate tower visible in front of the giant fan. The crate on the top partially activates the door, and the one on the bottom full activates it. Note: The bottom crate won't always fall out, sometimes it just disappears after a few shots with a rocket launcher. -Secure the weapons. --If you notice a part of the aircraft is stuck on a large stone arch on the beach. If you shoot it from the right angle with a rocket launcher or use the gravity hammer inside, you can knock down the container holding the weapons. Note: although this can really help out your team, you can choose to leave it up there and hide inside, but you may lose everyone on your team while you hide, and there is a chance of the zombies knocking it down with their gravity hammers. Less important tasks. -Keep the closeable door closed. --If the zombies open this, your chances of survival drop heavily. -Keep the closed container safe. --This is the last place you can use to fend off the zombies, if you don't keep this place safe, you will make it useless later on in the game. Zombie Walkthrough. You have been trapped in a small fort. Your gravity lift technology is almost complete, and you will be able to escape this prison. Zombie Tasks. Note: These tasks all take place on the beach. -Knock down the humans weapon supply container. --You must knock down this container to avoid a camptacular jerkwad from pwning up your team. Although you are supplying the humans with weapons, you are also avoiding a camper from annoying the hell out of you later on. -Open the closable door. --Open the closable door to give your team an easy entrance into the human beach. -Knock away the containers left in the ocean. --If you knock these away, you deprive the humans of a holdout shelter. Other notes. -Zombies are recommended to all work together, because the humans are ready for your attack. -Humans are recommended to split up into groups because of the fact that you have very little time. -The clocktower is very useful, not only because it tells you how much time is left, but because it's made of overshields. -Zombies have little to no armor, but are very strong. -Humans have normal armor, and are equipped with a BR and magnum. -The last human takes 3x as much damage as normal, has infinite ammo, and lower gravity. -Rockets will not work against zombies, they always outrun them. Screens: Game Variant. Map Please post any bugs found.
love the idea and layout. good job not using foundry, lol also you could use some more stuff such as barriers and cover and more weps
Wow, that is an intense plot, and on a map that is rarely used... I like it. Does it all work good, is it fun? I must try this, but until then 5/5 and good rep.
Yeah, probably the only bugs are that the turret case door starts closed, and that some @$$hole humans blow up the gravity lifts.
OMG on last resort wow this is a first after the heroic map pack came out and nice map at the start i thot you geomerged the OS into the wall and im like HOLY **** HOW!??!?!
Good Idea using a-non DLC map, but its not my type of map, I hate last resort. 4/5 though since that it looks good for Infection but No-Download from me, Sorry.
So if I made a v2, the main thing people would want to see is more barriers and such? I want to fix as many bugs as possible, so as soon as I get some reports of stuff seen in gameplay, I'll fix up some more stuff.
A pretty good first map. The infection matches sound like they'd be intense. Good map, 4/5. And some plus rep for the trainee.
haha this looks pretty sick it reminds me of survivor or some **** lol haven't seen too many maps not on foundry lately good job ill check it out!
I've gotta say, this looks like a good map. However, you can jump over the wall easily if you jump in the right spots.
Well, I was testing, and forgot to get my mic, so while playing with people, here's some things I noticed. -People just rush to get the rockets, and try to kill the zombies with them. (which never works) -People think the container with the weapons won't move. -The last man standing almost always gets an assault rife or turret and jumps on the stone buildings (Were they can easily get assassinated.) -Zombies quit because they don't know what to do the first minute. (Rarely though) -People don't use stuff I put in for cover. -Zombies just kill humans, they don't do anything to help their team.
i liked nightfall, but to tell you the truth i never liked last resort, especially zombie maps on it. however, this map looks cool and there should be more nightfall type maps in my opinion. i will download, give it a 5/5, and play it with a group of friends. thanks for supplying us halo 3 infection addicts with yet another original map.
Once I get enough points for bungie pro, I'll be making a nightfall type map for every map. In the mean time, I'm only going to make 3. I'll have one on guardian, and one on the pit.