I guess you could move it but yes there is a faster way. I don't want to give it away but there is a reason there is a sniper in that room. It has something to do with how a barrier breaks off when you shoot it. Then you have to do a combination of jumps and other things once you get through the window panel. If that didn't help either post back or message me on live.
Help me out, after the conveyor belt where i get crushed 4/5 times what do i do, look for in the long hallway with the window, mongoose, blocked telly and receiver node. I believe this hallway is right next door to the 4 identical room.
You are correct. Although you don't need to leave the hallway and go into the identical rooms. Those are just for distraction and to lead you off track. Heres your hint: Turrets through walls are old school. Turrets through closed boxes are genius.
alrightttttttt now im dead sure i think i know where to go.. now to start all over and get crushed again over and over -.-
well i got to the teleporters room and concluded that they all lead to same reciever and if i go through and hold stick foward i die so instead i pull back but then i get stuck and have about 15 seconds to figure it before i die all i see is a sign A sign pointing to the double pipes and a bunch of overlapped windows i cant jump on cause i cant jump while outside uhhhhhhh yea im stuck
You have the right idea but there is a way to stay alive while your out there for more than 15 seconds. When you finish post back. Also, in the last room I will understand that you can use two grav lifts but try it using only one as that is what was intended.
wow i think.. i need to jump throw .. jump up and gooooooo i spent more time in this room then ny other -.-
Very nice. Adding you to front of the page as the first person to finish it. What were your thoughts on it. Was it hard, easy, ect. Anything I can improve on? Finally someone finished it.
uhm my thoughts, you are a genius and one of the hardest puzzles to date and anyone downloading it make sure you keep your eyes open for anything btw ill recommend the entire film to you over XBL if you wanted to improve it mabie fix the last puzzle it seems one of the only ways up the wall is with two grav lifts unless what i was doing was right
Haha, no there is a way but you have to time your throw right. And thanks. Only one person besides you have finished it. Look out for more of my puzzles in the future and I will be releasing one soon called No parking zone.
i need help completing your map lol i really like your maps i downloaded all of them but i just get really confused can you help?
i usually dont do this but im really confuzzled. Im in the barrier room with the window panels. It ried shooting them and jumping through, hitting them and jumping through and i tried t blow them away with the fusion coils. You really are a bastard lol jk
Maybe it is just me(which it probably is) but it looks a little easy compared to others I have seen. I will have to download to check it out.
You have the right Idea shoot a hole through and jump through and then beat down and jump repeatadly If you can beat this in five minutes, I will give you a cookie or something. Thats my fastest time, although I suck at doing puzzles, I can just make them.