Hey guys, im just here asking you guys if you have or know of any really really good maps that i should download for my weekly custom games event this friday. I don't want your maps, i want maps from different forgers from around the Halo community. I really want some good infection maps, as well as some fun mini-game and race maps. My current gamelist is kinda crappy... So please help me out! :cry:
Check out some of the recent featured maps, there are varietys of fun mini games and infection games for your custom game event.
lol, out of 15 slots, you only have 1 map. Your really need some help with your list. I'll be back with some maps, just hold tight....
Hey this map is amazing for gameplay. It just got featured and is probably the best mini game map I have ever played. It is called Purple Bunker.
Most of those are competitive maps, I want maps that people will have fun playing, plus i don't know which one will be good enough, and don't say they are just because they are featured...(No offense to the forgers)
i recomend 1337 street Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing it takes no skill but its fun to play
A very fun game is in my sig; Bloodring Rally. I recommend using Bloodring Rally on the Mongoose map. Or try out British Bulldog. Also in my sig. Both fun mini-games.
Archaopterix, by comic rick, Curbstomp by BlazeIsGod, Reflex, Jenga Tower,The chute, a certain map in my sig..., uhm those are my favorite maps, i hope that helps.
I would recommend Snow Mice in the featured map section. Its a simple game, but tons of fun to play. Everyone enjoys it during the bi-weekly TGIF event. The Lost Chamber is another good infection variant. Most people know of it already, but I'll post it here anyways. Another good one to show off to your friends is Distortion. You'll all be confused as you try to kill one another. I've got plenty more if you need them. Feel free to PM me. [edit]: I have one more for you thats an oldy, but a goody. The Swings is more of a traditional infection game unlike the ones posted above. Zombies use brute shots to try and knock the humans out of swinging containers. Its a bit nauseating at times, but very fun. I don't recommend playing this one if you get motion sickness.
Tunnel Rats 3 is a great map. Also Sapphire with the Raver gametypes. The first is more casual slayer and the second is also basically slayer, but needler starts with plasma grenades, rifles, and turrets all around on an enclosed map. Great fun.
I've played The lost chamber, one of my favourite infection maps, never tried distortion or the swings. Do you know how many players can play for those maps?
I've played that already, the players in my custom game event have too, they are quite bored of playing that one now...
ravvnzcroft, that is a great game, idk if that will sapposrt 16 npeople or however many, but nonetheless he should tryi t out. maybe some versio of cops and robbers, duck hunt, errrr,
My sig jurassic park is an infection map, but I know you want other maps. A good one is the gauntlet v2, It's not infection but it's an extremely fun ctf map. Trust me it's not your average game.
Pretty much everything Draw the Line said and Metal Chief Solid and its gametype. You may also want to consider Alcatraz and its Cops and Robbers gametype. Metal Chief Solid is a stealthy VIP map that gets your heart racing and Alcatraz is a classic Cops and Robbers map on Blackout.
mmmm so many to chose from, i agree with draw the line here, some good choices, ill have to recommend: Ramparts, some very good features, very fun and beautifully built , great for slayer another from Blood Fire, Purple bunker, very fun and a great mini game, a simple idea turned into a masterpiece Hype, that map started the mlg craze and rightly so, great geo-merging and great layout, a definite when it comes to ctf and slayer. Mini game map pack 2, some great maps there, extremely fun and includes the famous rock wall, a very challenging but promising map, worth a download they are just a thew great maps, i would put in some more infection, but the best ones have already been mention, im sure with these maps you'll have endless hours of fun