LightsOUT V2.1! is here, i decided to make V2.1 because my LightsOUT V2.0 did pretty good in DL's i guess so here it is! Updates, More weapons added all through the map, under map section extended pretty much under the entire map instead of just under a certain area, new scenery added through outt he map aswell as afew new "shortcuts" and special little jumps , oh and lastly ENJOY!!!! Oversheild spawn Shotgun spawn Inviz spawn lift to S2 destroy those boxes to get spike grenades lift to B3 PS. i took a pic of where the sniper is and how to get it but i must of shutoff my xbox before it saved cause its not on my bungie Hires screenshtos, but anyways its above the middle and the only way to get it is a grav lift witch spawns directly in the middle but be careful cause without the proper back up from your team you will most likley get pwned UPDATES 1. Lights Are ON Now Cause In The Original LightsOut V2.0 It Was Pitch Black And It Was Cool But Hard To See At Times So With This Updated Version Of V2.1 I Decided To Not Add Any Screen Effects! 2. Fixed Afew Jumps 3. Pay Attention To The Boxes DOWNLOAD THE UPDATED ONE BELOW!!! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
You still need to make the post correct even if the other one is up to standards so yeah mainly pictures EDIT: nvrmind NO ONE ELSE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT NOT UP TO STANDARDS
well i cant see to much from the pics because its so dark are the containers interlocked? also the pics took like 3 min to fully load and i still cant see the top 2 nice idea anyway but is the rest of blackout still avalible if it is wont people just stay up there instead?
i know the screenshots are pretty bad i might take new ones, the entire map is still available but i made all the stuff that most people go for down below except the sniper,BR & carbine but the mauler,shotgun,oversheild,invis,deployable cover,regenerator,bubbleshield & plasma grenades are all down below baseically i tried to make the map pretty much like every map is its all about control of the good stuff and all about team work to help get the good stuff
thanks, yeah theres also a little bit of a shortcut right on the side of B2 hanging over the edge theres a unmovable pallet that you can jump on to get you to the libary faster then going threw B2, if you dont get what im talking about just stand in the middle of the map and look at the right side of the BR tower (B2) and you will see the pallet hanging over the edge
The for this map idea is good. I would say, however, that the actual implementation is a bit lacking. The boxes should be interlocked, and it would look a lot nicer if you had flipped the bridges upside down. I don't really see that the forging in this map effects gameplay, because if the entire main area is still accessable then play could potentially continue as it would in the original map. The fact that you built the pathways under the ENTIRE map instead of just part of it gives this map something special, though. Overall, it is ok, 3/5. Perhaps you could make a full V3 with better aesthetics.
i love the layout and the floating. you should put a few barriers or something here and there for cover or not to fall off of the platforms. 4/5
^^ok thanks for the advice^^ ill look into that on V3, im taking everyones opinions and suggestions in to consideration for to make V3 awesome