THE BRINK 2-10 PLAYERS "The Brink" is a medium sized map with 1 base on each side. The basic layout is very open, but there is sufficient cover to cower behind. Each base is unique in design, but are equal in power and cover. In the middle is a long pallet bridge that spans across most of the map. Leading up to the bridge are two simple switch-activated elevators. The map supports all gametypes but the suggested ones are: Slayer Brink TS Capture the Flag Brink Flag King of the Hill Brink King Assault Brink Bomb Territories (Yes, it plays well) Brink Land Grab The gametypes above have been created especially for this map. It is better to use the gametypes above for the full affect of the map. Any gametype used should have cusom power up traits disabled, so people are not rewarded for going up an elevator. WEAPONS LIST 4 Battle Rifles (2 at each base) 4 Carbines (2 at each base) 2 Maulers 2 SMGs 1 Sniper 1 Spartan Laser (Position depends on symmetry of gametype) 2 Firebombs (For destroying the bridge of course) 4 Frag Grenades 6 Plasma Grenades 1 Bubble Shield 2 Power Drains WEAPONS LIST (MLG) 4 Battle Rifles (2 at each base) 4 Carbines (2 at each base) 2 1 Mauler 2 SMGs 1 Sniper 1 Spartan Laser (Position depends on symmetry of gametype) 2 Firebombs (For destroying the bridge of course) 4 Frag Grenades 6 Plasma Grenades 1 Bubble Shield 2 Power Drains PICS The Bridge ^ Base "B" ^ Back ^ Base "A" ^ Back ^ Long Hallway ^ Another way to get the sniper ^ Elevator ^ This map does not give the full feel from just the pics. This is the first map i have actually tried to neaten up and use good interlocking (i suck royally at forge). I recommend a download. The MLG Version is the same with just different waepon placements. Download The Brink Download MLG The Brink
I see some interlocking going on, but that isn't what makes a map. I love the destroyable bridge, that is cool. I always like elevators, so good job on that. Overall though, this would be a 4/5.
I really like the pallet bridge and the use of the back hallways there. I really dont see that many maps have the use of the back hallway. The only constructive critizism i have for you is the lack of cover. The middle seems pretty open that gives the middle of nowhere feeling. I do think your map is good but if you would add some cover i think it would even be better.
I see what you mean. It does look open from the pics, but in-game it is not that open. It allows for key jumps (hint hint). Tanks for teh reviewz.
the destructable brige is a great idea but when the pallets are destroyed wont they respawn and fall to the ground? btw can you plz change your font in the map post at least its harder to read
The bridge is outstanding, destroyable that makes it even better, nice job on that. The star design is forged good too. Nice use of all of Foundry, makes it play a lot better. Looks like an FFA map for me.
Nice job with the bridge. Pretty cool interlocking and everything looks nice. A little open, but I tihnk it matches with the map.
coool looking map, i really like trhe pallet bridge, some ice interlocking, but its a little open. I just thought i would let you know, i posted a map named the brink already haha, it wasnt very good, seeing as how it was my second map, yours is prob better. i just thought i would let you know.
yea im pretty sure i was the 1st one to have a dropp bridge and not to mention it was stable and it had cover and a well forged map surrounding it . but i only showed the map like 2 to 3 months ago no big deal.
Your map Is extremely interesting...I've always loved the idea of a disposable bridge, but how you curved it in this map amazed me! I could say that your bases could probably could have a bit more cover..but I'll edit this and comment on gameplay tomorrow, for now I'm off to bed. For aesthetics i give a [4/5] Gameplay [_/_] <---Edit tomorrow