Just messing around with Gamevee trying to see if it is worth the trouble over getting an actual capture card. So here is one of my many, many, many Rocket Race highlights. GameVee.com | Halo 3 Video | Video | epic stop 2
haha i just saw it, and it was like NOOOOO and he just sat in the air doing flips and crap in the same spot! EPIC + rep for you!
Haha awesome! I love rocket race and usually for me those are lucky but you could tell you were aiming perfectly for it. Man that was nice.
Haha, thanks man. Not all good shots need to be for the win. Who's to say we didn't win by 1 with that ultimately being the winning shot? Either way, like I said, I have many, many nice shots in my custom content, both for the win and also just because they are nasty shots. Expect more, or maybe even a montage if I can figure out how to make one.
Nice Video Creep! Who was that sexy motherfucker driving the mongoose? Oh that was me!! Epic Stop man, I know you have better ones because I've been involved one way or the other in most of them.. lol! My opinion.. Either use my capture card or just buy one, because I don't think it's possible to cut and edit the clips from gamevee only because it's taking the clip that you made in halo and just hosting it to there website. So if you really wanted to make a montage, Get or use a capture card.
That rocket shot was amazing. Like you knew it was going to be perfect from the start so you didn't even fire two shots.