Upcoming projects. Such as: Maps, Updates, TGIF, etc. Or Have people come up with ways to make the site better.
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would? Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
1.How new does somthing have to be in order to be considerd new? 2.How old is somthing when its not considered new? I dont know jsut random queestions
1. the future of the development of the website how it will improve, technically, and aethetically (i like that word more now than visually haha), and what you think can be done about that by the community, as i myself have offered to be a web-dev before 2. your plans on new staff, mods, and how h3artificer calls it, scribes (can i be one plzplzplz my daddy wont beat me anymore if i do lol jk!) 3. Your plans on how the treatment of new members will go, like a sticky they HAVE to view before going on to make their first post....that would be good 4. a new ?OTW....like something besides SOTW, and besides featured maps, how about like a user chosen map thing, not like forge best, by shock theta, but something else, idk what.... 5. on FH's opening day, all the members with more posts than, lets say 600, and with a limited number of history of infractions, say 10, can be mods for a day and access all the other stuff normal members cant, but not do any serious damage....like you can infract someone, but it expires in a day, etc.... PLEASE REPLY IN A PM IF YOU DECIDE TO USE THIS!!!
Here are some ideas: You could discuss the newest map pack to be released and what each of you think might be in each, and also this new map editor and what it may bring to the community. The Halo 4 announcements trailer sudden no release. This leads to there may be an actual Halo 4. All of Bungie's employees' comments in the new update. Discuss the new featured maps, and each of your favorites, and what makes each of your favorites so special. Maybe hint to who some new Loyals, Moderators, etc. are going to be. Tell us what the new Edit Extra Options tool is about. Something about the 2v2 that we don't know yet. Maybe some funny Custom User Titles and Status's that piqued your interest or just made you laugh. Some hints on any new maps being made by some of the staff. You also need that Official Forgehub Opening. Explain what Dragoncoals to become warned. I tink I might already know, but most do not. Can't honestly think of anything else. Hope those are good, though!
are there plans for a far cry 2 maps sub forum if you haven't seen the editor it can be found herehttp://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/15929-far-cry-2-a.html i think it would be a worthy addition as i {and i'm sure others} are eagerly awaiting this truly awesome looking editor and if you want to mention the pre dlc map contest that would be great link in the sig and do you think that some mods are over zealous power corrupts and all that
Why am I the most epic person here On a serious note, do you think forgehub will ever be expanded to other systems, such as the PC, for spore, and PS3 for Little Big Planet? If I had PS3, That game would be mine? A final question, how bad will I pwn Gears Of War 2, more or less, then Gears1
How much wood could Chuck Norris chuck if Chuck Norris could chuck wood? BIGGnelson asks: TDF If your right leg is thanksgiving and your left leg is christmas can i visit you between the holidays???