MADE BUY-Spartan 7997, and BROWNIEkillYOU SPARTAN CASTLE SUMMARRY- There was a castle in sparta where the spartans lived and the persions wanted more recruts so they found a way to get people to join there army. a way of brain washing that would indefinatly work. One day they decided to use this treatment on the spartans so they invaded there castle. Once brain washed there is no turning back so defend your home castle why you can. and the last spartan living Will become blood raged and will kill the persions faster and he becomes stronger from the adrenlied pump (sorry if i spelled adrenlend wrong). PERSION RECRUTS SUMMARY- This map is not really zombies or infection its really persions brain washing the spartans. how my frends see it is the think its ingenuis how it was thought. me and brownie both thought of the ideas so he gets credit to for the map and gametype. me and him did 50/50 split on the map and gametype. To be played with persion recruts -Armory contains-4 Bows and Arrows (Brute Shots) (and theres unlimited ammo and the armorys through the single box on the third floor). Overview From 3rd floor Second Wall defence First wall Defence (on other side is zombie Spawn) 2nd Floor Court Yard 3rd Floor Spartans Chariots Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game Type : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this is an okay map but i dont really know what to say about it, its nice but i wouldn't DL i think i would get bored of it soon but it would play well with infection
thanks yall glad to see its actually a good infection map. was kinda nervous what people would say about it
I am not even joking like I have seen castle maps before but this exceeds most all of them. You really did do a great job! 4.5/5
ok thx =) well is it to close to that fat kid map where you circle around to the top? because people keep saying that on Xboxlive. oh yeah and if you grab the custom power ups and your not fast enough the dumpsters will splater you =) he he he
This map looks great. It turns out looking pretty clean even though it looks like there is minimal interlocking. Also the wall defences look really cool. Great Job!