BACKDROP Try getting out of this one. Recommended players = 4-8 players. The aim of this map was to create a quick map with no way of getting out the map and also TWO TYPES OF GAMEPLAY. I think I achieved this. The map was created in less than 2 days. The description of the map refers to the barriers of the map. Its almost impossible to get out of it as I use the whole of foundry as a map. So, What do I mean by TWO TYPES OF GAMEPLAY? Well, you have your normal map... Perfect for killing, Not so good for you tactical types. Then on the outskirts of the map, you have a tatical area. Perfect for you if you love the BR so much. Also, A new feature never before done on forgehub! Its called the "Speed Alley" Its not that exciting but you jump in it and go flying across the map. I randomly added it in there to fill up the blank space on that little area. On to the map infomation...... Built in: Foundry Map type: Big, Kind of Symmetrical Gametypes: Slayer , I am looking for help in incorporating CTF and objective type games into the map. Any help would be great! Weapons on Map: x13 Battle rifles x1 Shotgun x4 Sniper rifles, Yes I mean to say 4 x4 SMG x6 Spiker x2 Magnum x4 Plasma Pistol x4 Plasma Rifle x1 Needler x1 Brute Shot x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Energy Sword x1 Mauler x2 Machine Gun Turret Equipment on Map: x16 Plasma Grenade x1 Power Drain x1 Gravlift x2 Deployable Cover x1 Overshield x1 Active Camo Vechiles on map: x2 Mongoose Picture Shots: Main Map Overview: Oh hai, I r sword: Well I r shotgun: Vrooooooooooooom!!!: Another view of the main map: Outskirt Map View: Needler Noob!: Another Outskirts map view: Another Main Map view: Q & A How long did it take to create this map? It took just under 2 days. How long were you think about making the map like this? I did not plan the map out, It was all improvisation. Why is there an "outskirts" bit? It wasnt an initial idea. Its rare to see maps that can use the whole of foundry and I thought it would make gameplay on the map seem much less duller. Why is this post so long? Because this is my first hard worked on map Why so many Br's? Why not, So many? Your a noob That wasnt even a question..... SO NOW YOU WASTED YOUR TIME READING MOST OF THE POST LETS GIVE YOU TEH LINK ..... : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Great thorow (or however you spell it) post the map looks very well done except some spots needed more interlocking
If you add me (GT: maddflash) We can test it, I dont have many forgehub members on my friends list. Also, Yeah the interlocking was a bit "messy" I guess. BUT IF YOU WANT TO TEST WITH ME PLEASE ADD MY GT GT: maddflash
I like how this map looks. It's kinda a mix between urban streets and a warehouse, which i very much like. The only thing i'm ify about is the weapons. Power weapons right by a powerup are probably a bad idea. And i don't know about the mancannon hallway. It doesn't go with the map ); If you messed around with your weps, gametypes, and did something with the back hallway; i think this would be a great map.
soo you went alittle overboard with the weapons it dosent need that much and i dont like the one side tactical and the other shoot them aimlessly if you just split them into to 2 maps it would make more sense anyone who has played on this map with 3v3 at least can you post if it fun,overpowered,not fun plz