Raccoon City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Pooned117, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. Pooned117

    Pooned117 Ancient
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    Raccoon City

    By Pooned117 and Khourne a.k.a. MoB Kornography

    Dedicated to my favorite movie series

    The T-Virus has reached the service, Umbrella Corporation has locked the only way out of the city in fear of the infected spreading globally, and you have nowhere to go. The infected have forced you and your team to take control of a holdout base. You have called for an evac helicopter, but it will take them approximately 10 minutes to arrive, Can you survive until the evac heli gets there?

    Map Description
    The map takes place on the pit and it has a lot of unique features unlike any other you have seen before.

    Video Walkthrough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKrTqjIhZeA

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/9101/11597813fullug7.jpg[/img]
    Main Zombie spawn
    Zombies also spawn in / outside of camo tunnel.
    [img width=800 height=600]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/108/11602485fullst0.jpg[/img]
    Front of the main base
    Zombies can't jump into the windows or over the wall, however there is a secret way in the very back door (See video)
    [img width=800 height=600]http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/8269/11598185fullne8.jpg[/img]Human Spawn
    Armed with a lot of duels, trip mines and a hidden sentinel beam, this place is very important to defend since zombies have to go straight through the hallway (Most of the time ;)
    [img width=800 height=600]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7883/11598303fullsl9.jpg[/img]
    2nd Floor of main Base
    Divided into two sides, 1 side has a turret, the other holds a 2 way teleporter and a few weapons.
    [img width=800 height=600]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/2262/11601720fullyf6.jpg[/img]
    Sniper tower
    It holds at least 6 snipers (including 2 beam rifles) and it overlooks the spawns and main attack point. 2 Way nodes here lead back to 2nd Floor or "maze" armory ->
    [img width=800 height=600]http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/4720/11599547fullot8.jpg[/img]
    The "maze" armory
    Armed with BRs, Shotguns, Sentinel Beams and a Flamethrower, this is where the most powerful weapons are at, but also a very vulnerable place to be if you decide to camp. (Note- The flying mongoose was only there in forge so we can take an overhead picture)
    [img width=800 height=600]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/5908/11602070fullal9.jpg[/img]
    Armed with a Tripmine, Turret, BR,Shotgun and Sentinel beam, this place is where the hidden backdoor is, if the zombies find out, you might want to defend it because you and your team will get flanked, and will probably die.

    Game type + Download links
    PLEASE play with the gametype, if you don't, the power weapons of the map, may not be so powerful, and the zombies will probably be able to jump over the walls and barricades, and the grav lifts might be hard to use.

    >>Click here to download the Map
    >>Click here to Download the required Game variant

    The gravity is upped, meaning zombies can't jump as high as humans, but they're speed is upped to 110%. Damage is upped, headshots are on (Making a BR a power weapon). Last man standing has powerful overshields that do recharge, but slowly.

    -Notes , some pictures are older than the released map, the video has the updated map being shown.

    All of the walls and barricades blocking the rooms from each other are unmovable and unbreakable.
    None of the weapons respawn except for flamethrowers, fuel rods, tripmines and 2 of the sentinel beams.
    Grav lifts respawn 10 seconds after being blown up, can be used as a strategy to slow down the zombies, but when it respawns, they will all be built up waiting, make your decisions wisely.

    By Pooned117 and Khourne

    Specials thanks


    And all the testers who put up with my -blam!-.

    Edit: Oh, forgot to say, We made this back in I think, mid november, we had a month of testing with 8 - 16 players usually every time. I wanted to make a vid to test out sony vegas, but geevee grab was down the whole time so I waited for it, then eventually my halo broke, and I got it back recently, so now I finally published it :]
  2. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Re: .:: Raccoon City - Infection Map (Pics + Vid inside) ::.

    You should embed the pics. And the youtube link isnt working.
  3. Pooned117

    Pooned117 Ancient
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    Re: .:: Raccoon City - Infection Map (Pics + Vid inside) ::.

    Youtube link and other links fixed, for some reason on this forum it keeps adding quotation marks around my links and adding an extra http:// in front of things every time I edit my post, the pics are rather large too, i think it'd be best to just click them.
  4. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Re: .:: Raccoon City - Infection Map (Pics + Vid inside) ::.

    Embed the pics and vid but I checked the vid, and the entire design looks really, really well thought out. Queued.
  5. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    Oooo the old maps are starting to be re-used. Just in time for the new DLC. See ya next year old maps... Anyway cool idea...
  6. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    has this been used.. looks.. like somthing.. but changed... and for infection.. a whel im sureit's nuttin, it looks great lol i dont see how the infection has a chance.. unless theres more then 1 at the start?
  7. Pooned117

    Pooned117 Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    Humans usually don't win actually, and yes, if you play with 8 people, there's 2 at the start, not 1. I havn't played my own map in awhile but Im pretty sure humans don't have a radar, and the alpha zombies do.
  8. mitchell979

    mitchell979 Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    Looks really great and well thought out, ill download it and tell you what i think.
  9. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    OOOOOO cuz tehres limited ammo.. ic well thats neat.. more realizstic to raccon city cuz there screwed when tehy run outa **** to kill em with
  10. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    This looks awsome!! I love the scenery u added and the hidden weapons/ equipment. I will download, and tomorow rate it and add an in-depth review.
  11. SilverSniperx

    SilverSniperx Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    Looks cool.
  12. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    It's a good map, but it seems sort of like one of those maps with too many pieces of scenery. I like it, but I don't. :s
  13. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    Doesn't look very creative. Looks like a regular infection map where humans get a huge base.
  14. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    I like this map, I watched the video, and its very creative. It looks fun for the zombies as well as the humans, although humans might be overpowered a little (sniper tower).
  15. Pooned117

    Pooned117 Ancient
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    Re: Raccoon City - Infection Map (w/ Pics+Vid)

    Never heard this kind of response before, well, its an infection map, of course the humans get the base, why would the zombies? The zombies are the attacks, humans are defenders. I don't get how it's not creative either, because the layout I think we did a very good job on and we focused on making a unique zombie map like no other, it turned out good based on all the positive comments and feedback

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