Here's the map I've been working on. It can be used with all game-types and plays well with Assault (Just be sure to turn starting nades off and to set the default weapons to melee.) The basic concept of this map is that there are two teams, the assaulting and defending. The assaulting team has to make it's way to the fortress while watching out for the defender's "Greek Fire". However The attackers have a trick of their own... Artillery. The Fire Grenades respawn time is set to instant, so you can just sit on a spawn and throw away. The defenders also have explosive, and can thus detonate it with their "Greek Fire". Enjoy! Constantinople Suicide Bomber The siege began in the year 1453, when the Ottoman ruler Mehmed II (1451-1481) gained rule. He soon launched an attack on The City of Constantinople The Byzantines were surrounded, little help was coming, they held out as long as they could. Using their incredibly strong fortress and the invention of "Greek Fire" they were able to delay the inevitable. Eventually the walls were breached and the people were all killed, but they did go out with a bang. More Screens: Artillery Past the wall... Side View I'll be updating the history a bit latter. Hope you all enjoy! :squirrel_wink:
Looks pretty good, I would download if I had DLC and if my box wasn't broken. I was going to rant about the no cover until I looked closer and saw the melee only rules. I would suggest adding scenery though to the outside just to make it look not so bare. Well that's my slice of the pie, plus you have the courtesy of my 90th post/Guerrilla maker, I would say be proud but thats *insert forgotten user's name* thing. ~Billy Reloaded
It looks like a good map, so I downloaded the map. I'm not a big melee fan. Would you mind if i edited this map a little (i.e. put some guns and cover in) and post it with credit to you?
Sure. Just be sure to point out that all you did was edit the weapon placements and change a bit of the cover. Also be sure to put a link to the original. :squirrel_jaffa:
map looks ok, That's a double post, don't do that, just click on the modify button at the top right or bottom right of your post, its classified as bumping, just don't make the mistake again, and welcome to FH.
Huh. Wasn't aware bumping was against the rules on Forgehub. Could you post a link to were it says this? btw, I didn't consider my post to be a bump.
Bumping is usually an implied no-no in any forum. In fact, I don't think I've ever encountered a forum where bumping is explicitly accepted (not necessarily tolerated). As for double posting: . The ladder effect, although done before, looks awesome in this context. Really gives you a sense of scaling it. Have you considered using two grav lifts instead of a mancannon to push you up? That way, the climb is notably slower, and a bit more realistic.
I'm sorry, but, yes, that was a bump. If you have nothing to respond to (i.e., another poster's question or comment), then it's a bump. You're merely saving information to use in later posts, rather than editing original posts to include that information. On a nicer hand, I like the map. It seems quite bare to me...consider adding some scenery, perhaps? If it re-enacts a war, don't you think the ground would be slightly dirtier than that?