the link to download explains everything but heres some more pics of it! S.W.A.T Spawn: The Mafia Spawn Was Updated I Need To Take New pic Of It so youll see mafia spawn later! The Wall A.K.A "the crackhouse": The Mafia Armory: the bomb plant point: the link to download!: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
You have a good idea, i see that but it was poorly made.You need to decrease the open space and make the house better.
too many power weapons in the armory. mabye tone it down? and if there was more cover... then it would be better. to easy to spawn kill in those two trucks.
Armories don't ride well and it looks like the mafia can just camp with a shotty or RL next to the entrances and facerape any SWAT ppl that come through. It's a nice idea but better forging is in need to unlock this maps true potential. 2/5
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but from what I see here your map isn't all that great. You spawn in a messy-looking armory, with little vehicles and a armory, and the opposite team spawns behind a wall with a armory? Are you serious? I'm sorry to ask but how old are you 10?