Collaboration Is a map built from the ground up with one game in mind. One Flag. But this is'nt your average completely symmetrical even weapons on both side kind of map. This map is much different than those other maps. Weapons: BRx3 Needlerx1 SMGx2 Bruteshotx1 Shottyx1 Bubshieldx1 DeployableCoverx1 OSx1 Spikenadesx2 Stickiesx2 Pics Red Flag Blue spawn Overview of blue side Overview of red side The "stairs" are the quickest but most open way to the red base OS Middle lane thingy View from a corner on red side Action shots Pinned down 5 seconds later double kill From the grave That's my flag! Me with OS Download!!one!1 Only to be used with one flag. Works up to 12 ppl Plz comment
your pics dont work... but looks like a great map from the first two pics, one thing i would say is that it looks a it open, but i could be wrong
cool map it looks very open which must make it very hard to get the flag but the reds must have a hrd time with people trying to get it from all sides. 4/5
Yes it is a little open but if I put more cover on either side it would be way to easy to capture the flag. Keep in mind blue only has a small distance to go once they have the flag.
The map looks ok, but I think it should be closed and not to have so much open space. But other than that, it's ok. 4/5
It needs more cover inter lokin and like 2 more structers sweat tomato makes a good point looks like someone made it in 30 min 2/5
i love the idea, but seems open, or is it suposed to be? anyway, the idea of 1 flag CTF is good and fun. i love the geomerging and interlocking. 4/5
Cover,Cover,Cover! Why does every1 want more cover? Look cover is nice but obviously this map does not need more cover, you cant always have cover! I mean in RL theres almost no cover! why should there be so much in a map? I think there is plenty of cover on this map and he is obviously trying to push players towards the paths with cover, making the gameplay go more smoothly.. and to all you FH posters I am tired of you all judging a map by pics alone seriously DL it, Play it, then come back and rate it ... Fricken Nubs... Ill DL it and Be back to rate it... WOW... 0 DLs what nice bunch, you guys are!
this map is most definetly original, it's a cool 1flag map, but you could've used some other things like a base or six, you know, make it more interesting
looks good but from the pics it seams a little open. try to fil in the openness with some kind of colour. but yu said that ou made it from the ground up for 1 flag and it might be perfect for that but try to add versitility and put in some otherr gametypes as well ill give it 3/5
I just played this 3v3 and the Gameplay was amazing! I dont think you really need to add anything, but maybe the Red part and the blue part are actual bases? think about it, besides that it was a great map! 24/25 what does the rating mean? join the TCDF to find out