meh platinumlynx....not my fav here, nor of yours, definetely....i would edit it cuz i know you got a lot better trix up your sleeve!
Actually, I tried to stray from the beaten path here. Might be edited, but not likely. P.S. I had to render Spawn.
I took his arm, duplicated, flipped it and put it at 50% opacity. added some nifty effects a border, and subliminal messages. anyone else notice his skin looks like brains?
all i know is that it is the guys hand and it looks kind of like one of those inkblots were you interpret what it is.. I think it looks like a demon king. actually I think his skin looks like wood.
not bad, not bad, a little to high contrast, and the render goes in too much...i would add an overlay layer, at like 50-80 % opacity of black
Here's my entry. This is my first stock sig so its probably not that great. My goal is to manage at least one vote. =)