
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by squidhands, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    "an architect should focus on three central themes when preparing a design: firmitas (strength), utilitas (functionality), and venustas (beauty)."?

    - Vitruvius, Roman architect, author of The Ten Books on Architecture

    Final build is posted!! The links above and below will take you to the new thread at Bungie. [​IMG]

    Here's a slideshow of everything if you want to skip the wall of text.

    The problem with Foundry is that a majority of the maps made, even though they may be great, begin to all run together in the same "boxes and bridges" fashion and fall by the wayside. The challenge was not only to create something that could stand out and grab the eye, but to also create a map that could support a variety of gametypes and be continually playable. In short, something that would make one think, "Wow, I totally want to kill someone there. A lot.".


    I built the map as symmetrically as possible, with a hovering platform for each side (A=Attackers, B=Defenders) and another in the neutral center that is only accessible from a mancannon elevator. All of Foundry has been utilized, so the entire map is playable, but with parts only available to you for a limited time (I'll come back to that). I tried not to overclutter things with excess scenery; instead I wanted to let the more unique designs stand out a little more and also serve as an orientation device.


    Notice how I said hovering in that last paragraph. Now, at first glance, a lot of you are probably saying, "Great, shield doors. I hate shield doors."? Don't worry, I have a love/hate relationship with them too. But I love the way they look, and I thought of a way to incorporate them so they become more an overall part of the architecture rather than just a camping device. I wanted to use them in a way that would create an image of the platforms hovering above the ground and give some depth to the standard "floating base". And although the teleporter is necessary for the third octagonal platform, I threw a second one in to help give the sense that the larger green glow was actually generating lift.


    On the ground, the center V-shaped "hallway" was just an idea that came to me during the countless hours I put into the making of Vitruvian. Just above it is where the Overshield spawns 90 seconds into the game, and this "hallway" gives you a little bit of cover from the hovering platforms when moving to and from the rear section of the map. On either side of this, there are small mini-bases? that reflect the layout of the window panels on their directly overhead hovering platforms. The center part of each is raised to either jump on or to crouch under, and there are weapons on each that encourage this. Moving outward from there towards the outer walls of Foundry, I added some limited cover that can lead you to the back of the map. This rear section is where the Defender base will be located for all asymmetric games (the Attacker base always stays the same). The bottom portion allows for some stealth-based maneuvering, and taking the stairs to the open second level will let you access the hovering platforms. The third level looks seemingly inaccessible, but believe me it is. Since the Rocket Launcher and the Active Camo/Energy Sword can be acquired from here, I didn't want to make it too easy.


    I also created a timed event that includes the only vehicles on the map, the Mongoose (there are two). They are located in the side rooms of both main bases, but you only have 20 seconds to get them out into the playing field before the main opening is closed off. In response to some of the play-testing done (someone got trapped in there and couldn't commit suicide), I've allowed an extra 10 seconds to get yourself out through the side tunnel door before the room is closed off for the rest of the game/round. Bottom line, just don't hang around in there or else you'll be really, really mad. For asymmetric games, only the B-side Mongoose is available, so it's more of a race against time to get there. I did this so the Attacker wouldn't have too much of an advantage over the Defenders at the rear of the map.


    As I said before, I made Vitruvian to be playable for almost all of Bungie's default gametypes: Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Juggernaut, Assault, Territories, and Infection. For the symmetrical CTF games, the flag does not spawn at your base. Both the spawn and return points are located on the hovering bases that are accessible by the ramps. I did this to create more of a sense of urgency that I've felt has lacked, as I'm a player who likes to protect the flag. For One Flag, the flag spawns on the second level of the Defender base at the rear of the map, and the return point is located in the Attacker base. Assault has a similar layout, but the bombs spawn in the A and B bases. For Neutral Assault, the bomb spawns near the center of the map. With Territories, I set up the areas in a parallel linear fashion from each base, with the final area in the center.

    For all of the symmetric games, the entire map and its weapons are at your disposal. With the asymmetric games, aside from the different Mongoose spawn, the shotgun and flame grenades will be unavailable to the Attackers in their base, so if you really want them you'll have to take the long way around to the other side (the tunnel is sectioned off).

    Sorry for the wall of text, but I hope this at least gives you an idea of the level of detail and planning that went into the creation of Vitruvian. This started out as a map that I completely hated and called in question whether or not I should even continue Forging into something I'm very proud of and has been a real labor of love. If you enjoy it half as much as I enjoyed making it, I'll be a happy squid. Many thanks and all feedback and constructive criticism is much appreciated.

    Download Vitruvian here!!!

    Click HERE to read what's been updated.
    #1 squidhands, Jan 29, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2008
  2. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    I'm gonna download it right now but from the pictures is seems to be a really solid map. I'll get back to you with an updated impression.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks, I hope you enjoy it and look forward to hear what you think.
  4. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Looks like fun. Interlocking too, me likey. Well put together overall so nice work on the design.
  5. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    I agree with the people above me. I'll download when I get a chance. Great job
  6. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Great work squid! :) Me and a friend ran around your map and we actually couldn't find anything that we weren't satisfied with. Keep up the excellent work!
  7. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Looks interesting. I was actually thinking of making something with a similar geometry. Gotta try yours out first, I guess.

    Watch out, though, Yavi will get mad at you for cross-promoting your maps, like he did at me.
  8. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Great job, Squidhands! I'm definitely making a spot in my customs for this! Great use of interlocking, straight walls, original layout ideas, added scenery... everything i look for in a map. I particularly like the usage of shield doors and teleporters to make the platforms look like they are being lifted off the ground, rather than just inexplicably floating. Looks like a blast to play Slayer on!

    I went to download it and noticed that someone gave it a 1/5. I gave it a 5/5 to help balance it out.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Hey, thanks for the comments, guys!
    @ UFO: yeah, I saw that someone gave it a 1 star even though I didn't have any DL's. People are great, aren't they? Thanks for the high marks!
    And thanks, gorebound. I'm glad to hear you didn't find anything to you disliking. Hopefully that'll remain the same as you keep playing it.
  10. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks almost exactly like those laser tag places in real life, where you have those tower layouts etc. It looks great I will make a nice laser tag gametype when I play on this map!
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Really? Damn, now you make me wish I could go back and play laser tag. There used to be a place not too far from where I used to live...
    Let me know what how your variant works out, I wouldn't mind trying it.
  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Hey squid, I downloaded this a few days ago and checked it out but I forgot to come back here to comment. I remember that my favorite part of the map was the laser platform, and how the teleporters have an aesthetic function as well as their normal function. The map looks really interesting, but I can't really gauge how it will play. I think I'll have to redownload this and give it a second look. I'll try to get a game here too.

    I'm not sure about the way you lock people out of the game. Are there grenades that spawn back there? Locking a player in a room early in the match is a sure fire way to get them to quit the game and hate your map. They should at least be able to commit suicide. The extra respawn time and the embarrassment are punishment enough for hanging out back there too long.
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks for the look, Furious. I appreciate it.
    Please let me know how what you think of the gameplay when/if you get a game going. I should be on later tonight, like 10:00 Central, assuming my wife lets me have control of the TV.
    As for locking people out of the game, that's why I left the side door open for an additional 10 seconds. There aren't any spawn points in there (or grenades either), so giving someone a total of 30 seconds to get out of a room is quite a bit of time. The only complaint I got about that were before I added the staggered time for the side door, and the guy couldn't commit suicide with his own frags. My intention wasn't to purposely lock someone in there, just create a little risk for those who want to be mobile. Hope you like it.
  14. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This is incredible. I'm not sure if most people realize how good this map is. The architecture is beyond the imagination of most players. This is just incredible. I can't imagine how long this must have taken to make. Great job on constructing this map.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Wow, thank you so much. It took a really long time, I'd say the entire thing took me about a two full weeks to build, including adjusting all the gametypes and retroactively adding the budget glitch. Thanks again for the major compliment, I really appreciate it.
  16. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Hey I just noticed the video walkthrough of this map. Nice job. I might have to steal that idea for my next large map.
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I just played a game on this map with the creator, man this was ten times greater than I expected. You really can't get an idea of how well it plays from the screens, so please download this and try it out. The architecture is genius as well. - Brute Captain
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks for the kind words, Brute. I appreciate you not mentioning the fact that you totally kicked all our asses on my own map. (maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud...)
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    squid this is your map? i f-ing love this map me and my buddies have played it several times. amazing attention to aesthetics and precision. the laser f-ing ridiculous how tight that is
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yes sir, this is my baby. Thanks, I'm really glad to hear you dig it and that you've played it more than once. Has it only been FFA or have you played some of the other gametypes?

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