The Factory • Author - Grandmas House • Yeti/The factory • Available Gametypes: Infection • Recommended Gametypes: Infection • Gametypes made for map: Yeti • Recommended Players: 3 - 8 Players. No More than 8 players. • Description: The Yeti's have invaded the factory and it is up to you and your warthogs to stop them from taking over your factory.. This is a pretty simple game. The point is to splatter the zombies as they try and infect the other "employee's" in the factory. It usually takes 3 hits to kill an employee, which are purple. The yeti is obviously white and has overshields and starts with sword and grav hammer. Humans start with BruteShots and Plasma Pistols. Zombies must obviously try and kill the players and they also start with grav hammers and swords. The gravhammers have a large range and effect a lot of the movements of the warthogs. I was gona post some Zombie "do's and don'ts", but I figured that was taking it too far lol. Last man has 200% damage increase to give him a chance. He also has a forced color of yellow. 3 Players - 1 Zombie 4 Players - 1 Zombie 5 Players - 2 Zombies 6 Players - 2 Zombies 7 Players - 3 Zombies 8 Players - 3 Zombies • Weapons: 1 active Camo @ 180 seconds 1 Custom Powerup @ 180 seconds There isn't much to a blank foundry and a wall so here are 2 pictures. ~It's a little hard to really understand and feel how this map plays from the screenshots, seeing as it is really a blank Foundry with vehicles and a simple teleport system, so please, feel free to download ~ Map created by Grandmas House Do not under any circumstance rename or change the map in any way, nor give the map a new author with out the author's consent.
Looks fun but really easy to make 2/5 but the gameplay is better more like 4/5. Try adding cover, mancannons, or some kind of structure. Pretty fun though.
Budgetgravy: Thanks for the reply. Actually I did try your suggestions (except a structure, which I dont think would work well. Read below). They did not work well at all. Mancannons made it too easy for the humans to escape and just sit in the corner of the map on a turret. I did not include cover, seeing that the point of this game is to get splatters and the zombies do start with grav hammers and swords. The grav hammer have quite a large range on the map (Over 1/4 of the map, which is basically 1/4 of Foundry) and cover just gets in the way. This is a minigame map, so those items, in my opinion dont seem fit for this type of play. I suppose I could have added a structure, but this really was supposed to be sort of a univeral gametype for other maps, just in case someone wanted to make a map for this on let's say....Avalanche. It wouldn't really do anything to the map, besides getting in the way of the occasional ( Lulz. ) flying warthog(s). The Map was supposed to be sort of a "Place holder" sort of speak. If you know what I mean.. And hey, who doesn't like to see warthogs soaring through the air across Foundry? Hope that wasn't too defensive lol...
what a well constructed map! lol, anyway the game does sound fun, although you could have just used grifball's map and delete everything except the wall, but whatever sounds like a fun game! ; )
Well then I would have nothing to post with the gametype Plus the boxes add more a "Factory" theme. Which really does nothing.. And taking the grifball map... I couldn't.
Hehe, you used my geomerged money glitch thingy, glad to see somebody actually use it. But back to the map/gametype, it sounds and looks cool but you could have added a couple of factory scenery but it might affect the gameplay so I guess I can' be talking.
argh he took advantage of the fun u can have on foundry w/ vehicles and hammers. I know how fun that is from experience, 4/5
Looks very simple and open. I might like better if there was a building in the middle or at least some walls spawning
simple and epic 3.5/5 i like the game play alot so ill give that a 3.5/5 and it is really easy to make because it seams like the geomerged crane money glitch map with a wall and some warthogs
Yes, I did use your canvas. Very useful. I suppose I could have used more fence boxes to display some more scenery now that you mention it. I could have put afew forklifts and boxes. Stuff like that. Anyway thanks for the replies _________________________________ About ramps: It just doesnt work. It just gets in the way of your trying to drive your warthog. And if it matters the wall is geomerged lol..