Hi i'm new here so if i post wrong or something, don't yell at me >_< Anyways, i have a warthog factory on foundry in one of my upcoming maps, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to make it work. I tried force spawning it like how people do with grav lifts, but it wouldn't work for some reason. Basically i want a switch, eiether a custom power up, or something to shoot, that somehow makes the warthog spawn. In case it matters, i used a budget glitched foundry canvas, so theres already a warthog in the map. thanks
Force spawning the warthog doesn't work because the remains of the warthog count as one being there. Would it be possible to make it drop in from above? Like if it was held up by grav lifts through a box and you had a min/max on a fusion coil that blew up the grav lift dropping the hog? That's what Sgt Visily did for his Vehicle Drop Pod 2.0 I hope that helps.
Well, you COULD use a min/max to make a warthog spawn, BUT after destroying it, there would be about a 30 second delay before the other one spawned
have you tried it being held up buy a pallet on a node shoot it = drops and pallet on never spawn might work just a random guess
If you want to learn more about switches and how they work, head over to H3Artificers. Check the thread vehicel drop pod v2 for that or someone else made a car pusher, I think called self driving car. The site is under construction now though...
you could rig a really good switch wear you grab a power up something blows up and it falls form the celing and you drive it away
this would work on a level like avalanche if u send the worthog off the cliff. but like ppl have been saying a destroyed worthog counts as 1 being on the map
I've been working on one of these myself. The switch cant be reset, but it works... kinda. =P Practice this, and then implement once you've got it down, because it's a bit hard to explain. You basically have a min/max switch thing with a power-up which makes a fusion-coil fall onto a gravity lift. Once that gravity lift is gone, it force spawns another one which pushes a warthog out of a box above your map. The hog then falls onto your map.