I was just playing matchmakeing and there is a new playlist!! It is called "basic training". It is a 4 player FFA game played to 25 kills and it is GAY. ( hope i didnt get ya too excited. about it.) yep so tell me what ya think about it.
Why would they do such a thing??? Is there a new article up at bungie talking about it and other updates...
You shouldn't have seen basic training, you're a lieutenant... were you on a new account? Yeah, it is basically a playlist that's for people who haven't played much. It's basically an "introductory playlist," so you don't get wrecked by people who've been playing longer. It's basically bungie's way of lessening the "learning curve" Halo 3 has: that it's no fun if you don't really know what you're doing cause you keep getting killed. It's completely optional though: You can jump right in to the other playlists immediately. It's only 4 player, because few people play it. Because, when you hit either 5 EXP, or have played 10 matchmade games, you get the 'Basic Training' achievement, and Basic Training is removed from the playlist selection.
I have two things to say 1) it is indeed uber fail and 2)Couldn't you have put the poll options in either increasing/decreasing order
I voted uber good. In case anyone was wondering "who the f-- voted uber good?" Yes, it was me. Thanks.
A semi-long time halo-player, I went in that playlist and won almost every game if I remember correctly.
It is isn't fail, you are fail. EVERYONE gets that when they just start. But El Capitaine has a point, what's going on?
Probably good for newbs to Halo 3 (Newbs being new people). If you know what you are doing, then you won't need it.