Feel free to move this, since i don't know if it belongs in the artistic section. ANYWAYS, since i drew the BETA smilies for MMG, i've been using them in a newly started comic (Founder/Editor is me and Co-editor is Jump4h). I'll update this thread with a new strip when i feel like it, and hopefully we won't run out, since we're constantly making new ones. I'll post the creator's username on top of the strip so you guys can notice who made what. If you're going to post negative comments on this, don't worry about me I have a flame shield, so constructive critisism is allowed. The following are made by HLG Viper, the founder and editor of Conies!© Made by HLG Viper ___________________________________________________________________________ Made by HLG Viper (I know it's cheezy) Made by HLG Viper Made by HLG Viper The one you all will recognize! By HLG Viper Jump4h is my Co-editor. He is specialized in internet parodies. Here's some of his work; Made by Jump4h Made by Jump4h Made by Jump4h
hahaha dude the first one was so funny he ran the cone over, Great pictures viper! Can't believe no one commented on these.
i know that was funny but i like the starght and slanted one the best i could help you think of more and then you add them. that sound like a good idea?
OH, some comments! I have loads of more, i just thought it was dead! I will add them right away. Thank you, the humour is mixed thoughout all of the pictures ,so everyone will have on in their taste. Sure brownie, just tell me about the joke and if i like it, i will make a comic strip of it!
Ha it took me a while to get it, but the last one is my favorite, they cant move to get attack him right hahaha
what? its just cause they can't move. if you cant understand it why do you like it? of course they can move in all the other ones.... so i dont' really understand that part too well. i think they're very clever and more of a cute little tiny comedy not a huge LOL comedy. but oh well. it's good for giggles i guess. nice.
Let's not go and be logical here, it's a comic >_< It's supposed to be unrealistic. And you don't actually see them move, you just see them appearing somewhere else. I understand it, other people doesn't. Yeah, it's for giggles. It's not a huge project of mine anyways.
Oh my god that was funny. I love the laser one. If anyone out there does not know where that is from, watch this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQLKEZzBIZE
um heres one i got my first ticket dad great! so wheres the money? what money? the money you got from the last ticket you gave out
Thank you, that's my most recent one. Be on the lookout for more made by jump4h, he makes tons of internet spoofs. I will post some more tonight, i saved some for later. Please to off-topic comments. Thank you. Check my PM. Oh, and also, EVERYONE, you are allowed to send me jokes to make a comic by, and i will of course give you the credit. I will have to approve it first though.
Glad you threw this on Forgehub... these are hilarious and I think you should put RPAL's animated comics up too...
Red; I might do that in the near future. I'll stick to the drawn ones just for now. Lord terrax; Thanks, you know i had to do that one because of the cone characters