If you look at this guy's Bungie.net profile, you'll see that he has played 157,000 custom games. Now, taking into consideration that Halo 3 has been out for 11 months, that's an average of approximately 475 custom games per day, so something has to be wrong. If you look at his custom games history, you'll notice that all of the custom games have been played consecutively and continuously, each game only about 20 seconds after the last. These streaks also last for days and days at a time, going into the deepest hours of the early morning. I'm not interested in doing this or anything, but does anyone have any idea as to what the hell he's doing? Is it a mod or a program that starts a game, ends it, then starts it again????
well if you check achievments he doesnt have any, then how can he a general, but he must play custom games alot, plus look at his last 1 the other dude won but it was only 1 poinbt
Well, he seems to be a fan of modding, so there's no telling how it affects game stats. If you look at the last games played, they're all about a minute long, teaming up with 3 other Generals teaming up against a recruit with three guests. Very weird.
Wired controller on ly boosting Basically, one person spawns off the edge of construct(the host) and they die BEFORE the game starts, causing each one to start and end in about 3-6 seconds. That about sums it up, I'm sure he plays actual custom games, but he probably does a lot of Custom Game Boosting as well. Edit: He also seems to be boosting in grifball, one game every minute or so. Tis sad. Edit II: Apparently he uses a custom game booster on snowbound, under the map, from his trophy pic, i presume.
Is that where that picture was from? I've never bothered with that glitch, but I thought it was a cool screenshot.
i say hes a modder and deservers to be banned so that 5star generals who wasted there life have something to say about that
He's not modding, he's just being cheap. It would be funny if they made it so that he could never, no matter how hard he tried, get past Field Major.
Yeah Gerbil is right. Its not cheating, but it makes you I guess, look better than you are. I know some kids who have a few thousand boosted custom games to go along with their few thousand legit ones and their 5-star Generals (Im pretty sure they boosted for those) and its pretty intimidating. Theyre not pro, but theyre good, but with all those custom games it makes you know that youre probly gonna get pooped on. But 157,000... lol, wow
He boosted. It's when you have a VIP hill and respawns right on it and make it so you win in one second so that you start the game you instant win.
There's no question as to how you could make a person win the game the instant it starts. My question is to how he continually restarted the games. Surely they didn't stay up doing it for days at a time without sleeping?
I don't get it. How does the game end when the host dies at the start of the game? >>>(Not very big on boosting)
He probally just sits there and keeps doing games really fast or bungies thing screwed up like on some of my maps it says the date will be like 5/24/06.
Article from OXM This may not be how he does it, but this is what came to mind when first reading all of this.
I wonder if that would actually work? I believe Boosting is wrong and people that are found to be boosting should be punished. Go out and work for your rank!