Escape Instalation! You are put into a mental instalation because they thought you where crazy. But little did they know you where just very smart and didnt think the same. So when they have you locked up. You try to find your way out. Kind of map: Puzzel Suggested players: 1-4 Supported gametypes: Slayer, Territories Download map HERE Download gametype HERE I know some of the stuff is sloppy and dont spam about it being to sloppy because it doesnt matter with this. Pictures: Starting room, how to unlock this... Now time to get out of the hallway... Dang another room... Unlocking this door will be tough... Which way to go... Im in, but now I need to get out... OMG...another door to unlock... I need to get across this somehow... OMGZ...last door to unlock but wait whats that... Boyaa I won!!! If anyone needs a walk-through I made one. Also I will state that once you do it the first time it is really easy the next time. So dont send me a message saying it was to easy and sending me a movie showing you did it in some time. Here is the walk-through link HERE Thank you for reading this and hope you enjoy and escape Instalation. EDIT: Sorry posted this under competitive I ment to put it under casual. Clicked on the wrong thing sorry.
dude....I can't see ANYTHING from the pix...a pic of an overview would be better than looks fun, i have to tell you that, but i cant tell how fun from the pix... if you have any questions, feel free to PM me!
I don't know if I'm right but shouldn't this be somewere else.... anyway I don't think this puzzle is very hard.
Ok for one the pix are like that because I didnt want to show to much of the map to give away how to do it. Never say a puzzle map isnt very hard if you havnt played it. Every person i had test this took at least 20-40 minutes to get through it. And one of them though he was a good puzzle master. Dont judge the map before you play it.
well all I can see is a bunch of barrles on teleporters and a fork wow..... anyway so what if it took 20-40 min they got though it. Oh and I have been through a bunch of teleporter puzzles so if they hadn't thats why it took so long....
Way too easy for one reason, you don't use original ideas! I can't say it enough, to make a good puzzle map you have to come up with new ideas. Look at my Saw maps in my signature for exaple.
Ok for one there is more then just a bunch of barrles on teleporters and a fork. The point is how will you get through those obsticals. I want to play this with you and watch you go through this then see if it is hard or not.
Thank you for moving it. If you didnt read my edit on the original post that i said i clicked on the wrong one. But agian thank you for moving it.
This looks pretty cool. I like puzzle maps a lot. Especially ones with teleporters. Oh, and it isn't that messy. I didn't notice anything really bad with being sloppy at all. Nice job.
Hey Havoc, I just wanted to say great job. You and Devinish have some hard ass puzzle maps. This one alone took me at least 30 minutes to figure out how to make it to through, but I wouldnt have been able to do in the first place without Devinish or you showing me what to do. Im still mad about not getting to complete Devinish's.... anyway def a complex map. as far as puzzle maps go Id give this a..... 9/10 hope to see more maps in the near future.
Dude you cant say it is way to easy if you havnt even been through it. And guess what original doesnt always means better. If you think about it most great things that you think of has already been done. So stop flaming about originality and dont judge it before you play it. And if he did look at your saw maps for an example he still wouldnt have an original idea because you did that stuff. So either way your post wasnt even helpful it was just spamming on something because you seen something like that before and you wanted to advertise you maps more. Back to topic, this maps looks pretty descent only see slight sloppy parts but like you said it doesnt really matter in a puzzle map because it makes it harder to spot what you need. This looks like it would challenge you a bit and for people who have done stuff like this looks like it would still be a little hard. And i love puzzle maps i download all of them and great through them. So thanks for another challenge man and keep forging.
Thanks for the comment PonyD and sorry for making the box smash the hell out of you at the end of Devenish's Still funny as hell. But thanks for helping me test this too.
I'll admit up front that A. I am not going to download this because B. Puzzle maps and I don't get along. But! I think you may want to know that A. Instalation is actually spelled "Installation" and B. The correct phrase is Mental Institution anyway, so I'd suggest changing the name of the map.
Ok for one for me is that i know that installation is spelled that way. The point of it being different. And yes i know it is mental institution not instalation. And to be honest i think you just posted this just to get a post in. And you didnt really comment on my map at all. All you said is that your not going to download and that you and puzzle maps dont get along. If you dont do puzzle maps then dont post on them and stop spamming on them.
i guess from what we can see it is okay, but needs more pics. i would love a better discrip too. i will rate from what i can see a 3
The pictures aren't showing anything. Be more descriptive in your description and I would download this. Looks like it might be fun but how should I know?
Your not suppose to see that much of a puzzle map because if you do you might give away what you need to do then it would be pointless. There not suppose to show anything but the obstical your suppose to get through so it doesnt show what you have to do.
This looks like a very well put together. I would consider a few fix ups here and there, such as interlocking the boxes on the sides of the walls, but other than that it seems good. If you want, you could delete the roof so you can get a better picture of each room, allowing people to see what each room is like.