Map Title: Super Griffball combination of griffball and basketball Description: A combination of griffball and basketball. An impenetrable wall keeps players in the court. "hoops" lie at each end of the court where you can slam dunk the bomb to score. There are two indestructible deployed grav lifts to the right and left of each hoop. Use them to defend against slam dunks. Side A with the two defensive grav lifts: Side B with the two defensive grav lifts: Bomb spawns in the middle of the court up in the sky, so use grav lifts to get to it first. You can score slam dunks from half court if you have a grav lift equipped. Expect some epic mid-air blocks. Court has 8 grav lifts (4 deployed and 4 as equips), 3 flares, 2 mines, 1 deployable cover, 4 spike grenades. there are 2 "gatorade" power ups (next to the toxic barrels) that give you extra speed. also has a mongoose and a flamethrower that you can use to fool around with if your team is losing 20-0. plays great with small parties. you can even go 1v1 fastest. recommended party size is 2-6 players If you're going to set your own custom griffball settings, players should have at least 75% gravity so grav lifts can reach the bomb spawn. Goals and bomb spawns are impossible to reach with low gravity alone. Grav lifts add a vertical aspect to the game, allowing you to soar high into the sky. Use your team's defensive grav lifts or spike grenades to counter. the included game type lasts for 10 minutes. 1 round. bomb resets after 30 secs. 2 minutes sudden death as long as someone is holding the bomb. feel free to change settings. Download Map Download Gametype thanks for viewing! if you dl and test it, please leave comments so I know the pros and cons of this map. This was my first post on forge hub, so I hope I did everything correct.
Great idea, and it looks really good with Forging, but maybe you should put the Grav Lifts down more stratetic, I mean the unmoveable ones that are there for ever until theyre destroyed, which is a problem aswell. Also, you might want to flip the wall of boxes with the underside in. I hope my "tips" where good.
It would be better if it had no equipment/grav lifts and just low gravity. I still expect this to be fun though.
The only problem is that grif ball was supposed to be super in the first place. Maybe name it something new, or a name of your own. I'll try this out now, D/Led, and by the way previous posters, both of you said you would download and I just got the first download. Spam for a rank up? 5/5 on the map, looks great.
I definitely agree. If you have mad hops like LeBron then you don't need equipment. This looks pretty sweet though. Does the bomb respawn if it is on the ground too long if it does I would change that so it is more like BBall.
Looks sweet, but take out the mongoose and the flamethrower and rename this map Brufketball. Then maybe I'll download. Oh, and remove the Deploy able Grav lifts, they destroy the balance
Good map and idea... I like the Gatorade power up thing. The gameplay seems just like griffball, but with a twist! Nice job. 4/5 Keep Forging!
Good idea, I don't think there should be low gravity because that would be easy for the guy to get the ball in. Not that you did that, but someone said that idea. Adding a Spartan laser would be cool like in Extreme Grifball. Good concept 5/5
Nice idea, I'm sure all the grav lifts, including the deployable ones serve the right purpose. 4/5 for not being original.
Good idea and it looks fun. I don't like the spike grenades though.... Good job 4/5 and a fun sport-like game.
although the idea has already been done i still like the idea also i dont get why you didnt just use the court that the actual griffball map uses
cool idea dude i really like the whole thought of supercharging griffball. but i think that i wouldnt use the grav lifts, just a thought
if you ask me its just kinda a plain griff ball notin special. don't mean to be rude or anything though
I like the idea, were'nt the first. I made a map months ago of this same concept. and before me there were probably people with the idea. but thats not what im replying about. Im just curious as to why you didnt just use the Current Griftball court and expand your ideas off that. The court you have is much shorter in width and id have to agree with everyone when they say there shouldnt be any gav lifts on the map. Just have the low gravity.
umm hasnt griffball spinoffs been done to much before? this one is one of the better ones ive seen on foundry tho and ike the basket ball thing
i really like the concept if you could rebuild it using the GBSML08 map as a base, and remove the unnecessary items, it would hold a permanent place in my growing collection of Grifball variants
I would say the concept for this map is good, but I would reccomend setting the gravity lower and removing all of the equipment from the map. Also, make it so that the ball carrier runs slower, so that they have to pick up the ball, then throw it, then pick it up again, to make it like real dribbling. Good work, 4/5. Also, you should tidy up the wall, it looks a bit messy.