Map Title: Ping Pong A new take on dodge ball. Download Map Download Gametype Make sure you redownload if you haven't got Version 2. Description: A whole new map that takes the idea of dodge ball and incorporates elements of ping pong. Instead of throwing grenades across the map, you bounce them off of horizontal shield doors. It takes a lot of aim (and luck) to stick someone and that is part of the fun. If someone tries to jump across, teleporters are there to stop them however it is possible to get in that way sometimes. You can't throw grenades straight across because of the fence walls I placed. You can't throw them over either because of shield doors on top of that. I chose plasma grenades because not only do they resemble ping pong balls but they have a lot more bounce then spikes. I've done everything in my power to ensure that no cheating can occur. It is pretty hard to get to the other side and that was my biggest concern. I'm fairly certain there is no way out of the map either. I chose fairness over beauty so if some thing weird that might be why (either that or I was lazy). If you do have concerns or want to point out flaws please tell me. I recommend 2 vs 2 or 4 vs 4 but the map supports 8 vs 8. Make sure you download the required Ping Pong variant. If you don't want to download the variant, instructions to make it are at the very bottom. Tips -You can get a better bounce on the grenade if you jump before you throw it. Mess around and try to find the best areas to bounce. -Sometimes the plasmas get blown all over the place so you have to drop down and pick some up. You can then easily teleport back up. -Make you sure you only have two teams, one Red and one Blue. -Stay in school. Gametype Changes -Made shields recharge faster -Normal gravity -People's shields are stronger, grenades weaker. -Encourages sticks instead of spam grenades. (When you stick them with full shields it won't say it's a stick but you still get the kill. Ping Pong in action. Bouncing plasma. Upper view. Teleporters. Additional information: This is my first map that I've really ever made. I mean sure I've messed around in forge but I never had the motivation to do something. I don't know how this idea came to me but I'm glad it did and I got it over with. So obviously this is my first submission to Forge Hub and I'll welcome all the criticism. If you don't want to waste space on another gametype, the Ping Pong variant is easy to make. Ping Pong Variant -It's Team Slayer, 25 or 50 to win -Turn starting grenades off -Make starting weapon sword (you can't shoot the other team with a sword) -Make shields recharge 200% faster -Mess around with the shields and damage. (I'll post specifics in a bit)
I'll move it if you want me to, but it's not a big deal. Here is good too. I'm surprised no one has thought of this yet. I bet it's really hard, but really rewarding when you get someone. Nice job your first map. EDIT: Happy, your map link took me to the Bungie Maps forum, so I edited your post to fix the link. It now goes to the map.
This is interesting. I was wondering, if you make a room completely covered with shield doors, with no way out, and you threw stickies inside, would they keep bouncing around?
No, grenades can only bounce once off shield doors and then they asplode. I thought of that too and that was part of an initial design for this map lol.
Guys I tweaked the game variant so you might want to redownload it. The new link is up top. Changes -Made shields recharge faster -Normal gravity -People's shields are stronger, grenades weaker. -Encourages sticks instead of spam grenades. (When you stick them with full shields it won't say it's a stick but you still get the kill.) Edit: To the post above me, the mod said it could go in either one so I'll just leave it here.
happy, I checked out your map in Forge. It seemed that the best way to get your grenade to bounce all the way up is to jump and then throw. Do you have another consistent way to make the nade hit an enemy on the other side? Also, I am known for "breaking" maps, and I found something on this map that doesn't really "break" it, but it would be annoying. It's possible to get from one side to the other. From the A side, look between the center and right teleporter and you'll see a gap. If you crouch jump between those teleporters you eld up standing on the center wall. From there you can teleport to B side. From B side, you can jump all the way to the right hand side of the teleporters and you won't teleport. From there you can teleport to A side. Once you're on the enemy side you could potentially get a lot of assassinations and cheap kills. You should know that even though the green part of the teleporter stretches from top to bottom, you don't teleport if you just touch the top most part. You can fix these minor issues if you "double up" the teleporters so that a bottom part overlaps a nearby top part. You'll have to use 2 way nodes on a new channel, but it's possible. Again, that's a minor problem but I'm very detail oriented, so I needed to bring it up. Good map.
That looks really really good, I like the fence walls so you cant throw across and if you try to throw over, you will stick yourself right.
Yeah when me and my friend were testing it earlier we found that out. I think I'll leave it for now because you can probably knock them off course or kill them while they are trying it. If it becomes like a real problem then I'll consider fixing it.
hmm this is new, easier to play with more people?.. or is it ment for just 1v1? like normal ping pong.. still cool map sounds fun
Nice, tell me how you like it and if there is something that could be made better. (Besides being able to jump through teleporters sometimes.