Well it sorta depends.If ur Juggernaut and have infinite ammo then beam rifle.You can just nonstop fire but a little know fact it that while beam rifles will take out OV much faster to a kill,sniper rounds go through people.
I like the Sniper's reticule better, but if for some reason I have the Beam Rifle and Unlimited Ammo, it'd be better, because I'd never have to reload.
I chose sniper, 1. Cause it looks so much cooler. 2. It richocheys (I know, I spelled it wrong, what else is new...) That and cause the little shell coming out of the side of the gun looks so cool if you slow time in theater mode Tim
Personally, I think that the Beam rifle looks a LOT cooler, because of it's sleek alien design and the beam rifle ricochets just as well as the sniper rifle, its also really fun on infinite ammo custom games, and the sniper rifle is easier to hit with if you sue it more often, if you use the beam rifle often enough, you will find that it has a smaller reticle and is thus easier to find your shot with. But that's just my opinion.
I'm used to the Sniper Rifle so I voted for that. Although, I'll still use either type if I have it. They both get the job done in the end.
Beam rifle FTW. If you're not concentrating on headshots, the rapid doubleshot is more than worth the cooldown. And no clips FTW.
I like the Beam Rifle a whole lot better than the Sniper Rifle mostly because I am a horrible "Headshot Honcho" so I just aim for the body and get two quick shots off with the Beam Rifle.
yeah i agree, i hate how you can't get more ammo for the beam rifle, and its reloed like thingy where it has to cool down, i mean i get why it does it, it just irritates me.
Hmm... Never thought of the reticle thing. Guess it's one of those that ends up better in the end but takes more practice to get good with in the first place.
I get whichever I can get my hands on I'm badass sniper either way so the wepon makes no difference though i know a few people who would school me.
Sniper Rifle > Beam Rifle. It's what I'm more used to shooting with, plus it has more ammo, and you can pick up even more. You have to swap Beam Rifles, you can't combine the ammo.
z0mg n00b, sn1p3r r1fl3 ownz b3am r1fle!!zshifteleven11!!!! _________________________________________________ I prefer the sniper rifle. i suck with the beam rifle. it just feels wierd to me, although for some reason i think i close-range no-scope alot beter with the BR. i still like the SR better though.