ummm, ok? this map is great and i love it the way it is. its really fun to play on as well as admire the interlocking and the time it took to make this map. great job. the only thing that i would do is add more pics, you really need some more so you can see more of the map and its greatness!
I need to say one thing! My friend made a map A LOT like this with his friend! They made like 3 months ago and it was called The Elite Ship! You must have stolen the map because this is WAY TO MUCH LIKE HIS MAP!! Because of that im giving it a 1 stars... map stealer...
Whatever. You know, about 3 people so far have messaged me saying they want to rebuilt it a little, and I let them. So that could be why they look the same. GTFO Forgehub if your going to assumptions. assuming make an ass out of you and me. ass-u-me.
this is good. but it looks like a halo frigate, and uses the same ideas. at least its not a halo frigate. NO ONE MAKE ANOTHER HALO FRIGATE, I'M TIRED OF HALO FRIGATES!!!!!!! Also, SOMEONE MAKE THE DEATHSTAR!!! the ship is pretty good though.
Out of the many space ships and such that I've seen on Avalanche, this is one of the best. The engine design looks great and I like the scorpion dock at the bottom. Nice work.
Looks awsome but i would like see a more orginal map, All people ever do on avalanche is make ships i would like to see a make there that isn't but back to the map, I really like the way you used those barrirs for the door and the inside is flawless and the back looks cool but it looks kinda wierd with the dimond shape in the front.
Thanks guys! Anyone who has this map or a modified version of it stole it, because this is the original!