Second Version of my map Oblivion. Hope i got it good enough this time. What was changed: -Less Power Weapons -Different Weapons/weapon placement -Bridges alligned better -New oversheild/camo areas -Sword area now has a turret -Doors put into ground -Pallets added Map Title: Oblivion Created by: Stealthyhawk14 Supported Game Types: All Recommended Players: 2-8 On Map: Weapons: 1 Sniper 1 Shotgun 5 Battle Rifles 2 SMGs 2 Spikers 3 Carbines 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Needler 2 Assault Rifles 1 Mauler 1 Brute Shot 1 Machine Gun Turret Equipment 4 Frag Gernades 4 Plasma Gernades 3 Spike Gernades 2 Firebomb Gernades 1 Bubble Sheild 1 Regenerator 1 Powerdrain 1 Tripmine 1 Oversheild 1 Camo Download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pictures
very nice i look forward to playing it, it looks like it puts my merging to shame i will dl and play with a few freinds
honestly it isnt related to oblivion. i couldnt think of a name for the map so i looked around, saw my 360 game oblivion..and just named it that. lol
The map looks very congested in pics 2 - 5 so the Mauler, Shotgun, Sticky and flame grenades may be over powering. I would try to narrow the grenades down to 2 different types, one being frag since you spawn with them (if you're wondering why I'm saying you this is because it's easier to cycle through grenades). Also the window panels and walls in the first pic look a little sloppy but the overall look of the map is good so w/e.
Looks quite impressive by my standards... I will definitely check this one out like the bridge wall btw
Well this map is pretty good. You merged alot so that shows you put time into it. From the pictures i can tell you took time to make it. *The gameplay is great so i give it a 4/5*
The pictures show the good spots of your map but I think you should attempt an overview. Good job with the geo merging and interlocking looks like a pretty good map. 3/5.
awesome map and wlcome to forgehub! dude seriosly this is a sick map i love it! it seems you took alot of time into it, with all the interlocking and geolocking it really shows me that youre a great forger! 4.7/5
Hey looks like alot of fun 5/5, nice interlocking and designing. Gamplay looks like alot of fun good job.
the weapons seem a lot better for this one. the only thing is that you definitely should not have all 2 grenades in one map, preferebly only one kind. look at all the default maps, they are almost always like this. and you usually shouldnt have firebombs in a competetive map, but good job on the rest of the weapons. and one other thing. when you just make minor changes to a map, like weapons or spawns or slight geometrical changes, just edit the exhisting thread. only make a new one when there are signifigant geometrical changes.
Dude, don't take pictures from forge, it's not very professional. I like the map pictures. You seemed to put a lot of time into this. But your V2 came out very fast. Hmmm...I'll give it a 4/5!
I just played this game and my friend showed me it and not to offend you, but it was not so great. In your pictures everything looks so straight and neat, but when you actually play the map everything is so crooked and uneven. Like the bridges one of them is shifter to the left a bit. The windows in the first picture they are all lop sidded, also it is extremely easy to get out of. Look at the map before you spam me with hate mail because You will see a bunch of things wrong. The overview of the map looks good though.
looks like a really well made map, the only thing i noticed was the messiness of the fence walls in the last pic, that would be good for the v3
it actually doesnt look so straight and neat from the pics. i see crooked and misplaced objects in almost every picture. no offense, it is still a good map. good, but not great. very good for a sort of first map.