At first glance this level looks a lot like the original. Look closer and you will see more power weapons, faster vehicle respawns and four added floating bases that are reached by using the maps original man cannons. The territories, flag and bomb spawns have been adjusted to take advantage of these new floating areas. I also added teleporters near the cliff that will move you around the map a little faster. This is basically an improved version of the original map, IMHO. Ready for all game types, but definitely for larger groups. I have custom powerups that float and are reachable only if you use the telleporters, which shoot you into the air. If you come up with a fun variant that makes use of these, link to it here. Click Here To Download!
I'm sure this is fun, but most maps don't have that many power weapons. I can understand that you would want lower vehicle respawns for more vehicle madness, but between rockets, lasers, bruteshots, missile pods and even snipers and shotties, the infantry can own the vehicles. You definitely made this very well, but I am just concerned about the playability. A laser can normally down 3-5 vehicles. It is also more accurate than machine guns at long range. That is why I suggest you cut some out. Nice map though -jell
The power weapons respawn much slower than the vehicles, so they wont be as dominating, i wanted to add a little more balance, in the original level the one laser has to much power. I more than likely will take the missile pods or the laser out, but i want some more hands on feed back, not just theoretical. This is meant to be vehicle madness, but i don't want the vehicles to be destroyed as soon as you get in them. Let me know.
Oh sorry, no there are br's and grenades in about the normal spawns places, i just didnt put them on the picture.
allright, its pretty cool. Avalanche is a terrible map to play on, so your power weapons add a little more action, I like that. I think the bases are okay, maybe more could be added. Also, how did you make some of the walls blue, if i could do tht it woudl be amazing haha, 3.5/5
It's just the lighting of Avalanche, it does that sometimes to your walls and boxes and barriers and stuff
I don't play avalache alot but this got me back on it. It was ok not just a legendary map though.... 3/5
OMG a blue base, check out my green boxes lol jk I dont know very much about the layout of the map, but nice job on the base
i really like maps that incorporate the original features the colours look great and its a very good concept that will play well.Its a shame about the weapon selection you should change that i like the picture taken from outside the map good work 3/5{would be higher with balanced weapons}
I am a freak. I say this because I love Avalanche. I love it's wide open spaces and foundry esque objects. So that is why this map looks so awesome to me. It is extremely neat and I love the slow spawning power weapons versus the fast spawning vehicles. It really gives a nice touch. 4.5/5
i wish i could see a few more pics, or atleast a few more bases, heck as long as to dont overload the map with lasers your probably fine with JUST power weapons, either way 4/5, very nice