Hey guys i was wondering what you guys thought about the fact that bungie made the mauler weaker or the fact that they took a lot of em out?
They should make a gametype where everybody gets maulers and the connection speed is cut by half. Now that would be fun. [/sarcasm]
i miss having the maulers on a lot of maps they really helped but i think the map that has changed the most with there removal is epitaph because now thw shotgun has no compitition.
yeah i agree, the only thing that is good against the shotgun on epitaph is the rockets, and hammer if you get the jump, but most of the time the person with the shotgun hides, so I yeah its pretty unchallenged
I hated playing on epitaph and just staying around the center can help you avoid shotguns. I am really upset about guardian though. Guardian used to be my favorite map, at the start it was always annoying to know there was a guy with active camo and a shotgun, but at least you had a mauler to defend yourself with. Now all I get is a needler and sniper, because I NEVER spawn on the side with the shotgun.
yeah they i think they shouldn't have gotten rid of so many of the maulers. they basically went crazy and got rid of almost all of them. now the shotgun dominates the close quarters on the maps. and by the way, haha hello mike.
I didn't know that they made the mauler weaker. I can't really notice though since it's still a one-shot-bonk-on-the-head kill.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! leave all teh weapons alone. I rly hate how they deleted most of teh maulrs. they were the only weapon that could have a chance of beating someone with a shotgun in CQB {the rocket works too but meh}. if they r going to weakn ANY weapon, it should be the smgs. i find i can kill 6-10 people without reloading if I am duelwielding them. if they must change the maulr, change its rate of fire to the same as teh shotgun and give it a slowr reload. dont just make it weakr and remove it from most maps.
i dont care what anyone says bungie is stupid for taking out all the maulers.That was like my fave weapon at construct,now to get one i have to go out of my way,it sucks
To be honest, I wish they got rid of maulers completey. I don't know how its changed but it used to be *shoot-melee*; instant kill. The maulers are practically the equivelent to the BxR.
If you need dual maulers to kill someone then you are the definition of fail, but I do it anyways. The best way to solve the maulers issue would be to decrease the range of the freakin thing, I swear its about 3 times longer than the shotty.
Ehhh, Bungie had it's reasons I guess, I knew about removing some from maps but didn't relize they weakened them, but I never used duals anyways, Mauler+SMG=Carnage!
Well the beaty of Halo is that in 9/10 situations, given enough reaction time, you're always able to kill someone with a better weapon with a well-placed grenade and mild firepower.
Too many people cried about getting killed by Maulers so Bungie took them off, not weakened them. And imagine this now people are whining for them back. People should just play the game how the developers originally designed it to be played and try to have fun, not worry so much about getting kills or getting killed. It's just a game, have some fun.