Actually, shad0w is on more often then you would think...He merely stalks the forums, rather then actually posting...
His rank should be the stalker of FH. That, or: The other ABCrew Guy. lol. Project Z is good, had my download. Had my fair share of long post. (I think) heh
yeay i said to tex when was the next project was coming and now look this got featured really well done Tex and Shadow Viper on getting the feature well done
WOW, nicely made. Hey Um, I have a question, Could you tell me how you glitched the boxes and walls into the Floor? I'm aware of how to do it with other boxes, but as far as I know, the floor doesn't have a respawn time.
This is a great map I'm sure (since I haven't played on the map yet). But just from what I'm seeing from pics and other great comments. I can't wait too play on the map and see how it really is. The interlocking, mergeing is also really great And I really like that center building and how it looks. Great job on the map and congrats on another great featured map...
dude awesome map i downloaded this map when you first posted it before it became a featured map. 5/5 great job!
Congrats on the feature, I randomly joined a game that had this going awhile back and Im happy to say the smoothness of the map is great, but i do have a problem with it. It has horrible spawns on One sided CTF games, i would suggest getting them fixed ASAP. As when i was playing a One sided CTF game, I grabbed the flag and was running it through the canyon and they guys would spawn right in front of me...which made for horrible gameplay. For the map though, you guys know how to forge, for the spawns you need to fix them.
WOOT! I knew this would get featured! One of the first fans right here! 5/5! Awesome map ABC crew ftw!!!!
I downloaded this map and was deeply disappointed. If "ABCrew" whoever they are, thought this was their best map yet? then they need to forge again. This map is just very odd and strangely layed out. The only thing that captures players attention these days is the Aesthetics and this has 1 if not 2 only unique pieces to the map. Sad post, and review so much hype over nothing also. played the map, 1/5
amzining design and gameplay. also nice touch with the video, it really brings ou tthe nicest parts of the map. i am hoping to make a map of this magnitude, but im just to lazy and impatiant to build a map with nearly everything interlocked. also one thing to ask (im hoping for an answer) my geo-merging skills are not very well, i need someone with actual skills in that to tutor me in this art. the other thing, (which can be described without logging on to Halo 3 and showing me) is how to get that annoying flashing to go away when you interlock items. if i can be tought the actuall skills and actually think for a little while i feel confident that i could make a great and well Appreciated map. hoping for someone that can teach me the way of forging. thank you for reading this.
That looks very clean, I like the merging/interlocking to create the very unique looking towers and other elements. sometimes we do get tired of seeing a standard double box
Great map but you can get out of it using a mongoose in a corner. i'll try to get a vid of it on my fileshare so u can fix it . GT: s3anz2 its now posted : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
I'm so stupid I would try to download this on the day bungie takes fileshare down :cry: still, awesome map. most of mine are mediocre at best. i know all the tricks, i just need to put them together well. hopefully, looking at these maps and studing how they're put together will help.