For a map I'm making I have a Wraith that covers a VIP point, how do I keep the Wraith in one place so someone can fire it but not drive away?
You could use windows and signs, they are immovable. Teleporters do work. I've seen it done where he put the wraith on top of a wire spool, and it stayed on it.
kk, I've used 2 doors on eather side. Thanks for ur help. Now how do you make the wraith dissapear so the VIP point can be accessed underneth?
Well why would you want the Wraith there if it was just going to disappear? Anyway the best way to have the wraith AND make the point available would be to take crates and anchor them down with a reciever node then place the wraith on top of them but make sure the "wings" are not touching the crates or else you can drive away. Trust me I've done it before.
To make the wraith disappear, you would probably either destroy it or have it destroyed (by fusion coils). Then just set a long respawn time or never respawn and the wreckage clears in about 20 seconds.
Or, you could have a grav lift spawn underneath the wraith after a certain amount of time so that the wraith could get away and you wouldne have to worry about the wreckage.
on foundry u can place a shield door in the ground and make it slightly appear above the ground and the wraith cant go over it or through it
A destroyed Wraith disappears after 20 seconds, you just have to make sure the respawn time is more than 20 seconds so there is some time when people could get to the VIP point. 60 second respawn would probably be good.
the explosions are not hard to do you just have to put them all over the elephant and not just throw them there, like place them 3 to a row up the bottom of the elephant then do the two sides, then put a few near the drivers seat, etc...