The Vent v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by QsK Legendary, Aug 18, 2008.


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  1. QsK Legendary

    QsK Legendary Ancient
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    Gametype: Air v3 >>>> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Game: The Vent v3 >>>> Gametype: Air v3 >>>>

    Everyone knows of the original vent... and well to be honest. it had a lot of flaws.

    The Vent v2.5 was the start of my renewing the vent with a new style to it.

    First off, the first Vent (not by me) you could get out of the map, being the zombie, therefore the zombie could hit the walls and kill them, as well as just going down the vent and killing. You basically could do what ever you want. But one of the biggest flaws was it was easy to hide behind objects and live, which isnt fun. :p

    The Vent v2.5 had the idea to where you COULDN'T hide behind the objects that flew down the vent. Which lead to no back wall, but instead teleporters. The teleporters stopped humans but not objects. Unfortunaltly it did not go as well as i plannend :(. Anyway the zombie could still get out, and the humas too, as where they could just keep getting man cannoned though the tele's until it didnt send them through once. That lead to teleing up to the zombie and shooting him once(instant kill).....

    Now, The Vent v3 is here. And its betting than either of the two other variants... which is what i had planned.

    The Vent v3 includes
    1. Wider walls for increase chance of living (since u couldnt hide anymore)
    2. A floor that has been raised up. (instead of v2.5's that just has a slope at the end.)
    3. Teleports at the end as a wall for items but not humans could go though. Now you cannot get through them. Multiple reciever nodes so you cant have a team block them. (improvement of which v2.5 there was a man cannon on the tele which lead to getting out.)

    4. The Zombie CANNOT get out of the map. No matter hard he tries. If he goes down the vent itself the humans have instant kill.... So Dont Do It Zombie :p

    5. Easier getting BIG things downt the vent... E.I.> Dumpsters, and Barriers. They have special "Triggers" to them that allow for easy movement.
    6. The good ol' fun from the original...
    This was a HUGE problem to the original and 2.5. You could just throw down a lot of trip mines..... then throw a lot of energy drainers to blow them up. It was an instant killing for the zombies. v3 includes radar,flare, and energy drainers, but.... only one trip mine for every once in a while... just to unstick things if they happen to get caught at the back (rareity) or if you just like feeling like it :p
    8. Once you are infected you run out of lives...duh, but... if you quit and rejoin you respawn...(as it is in all zombie games) so, to fix this, I've added spawn outside the map. When you quit and rejoin and turn into a zombie you spawn outside the map, slide down a wall, and fall to you death. :p Eat it.

    The Vent v3 is a great new, and fun way to play the old classic one.
    Author: ArmedCrapSack/QsK Legendary
    Testers: Sabre884, Bbag97, ll JuiceBoXz ll , DAxJOKERx777, Qsk Legendary, ArmedCrapSack
    Special Thanks: To who ever created The Vent :p
    Special I Don't Like You But You Gave Me An Idea: Xanaxa who I still don't like :p

    #1 QsK Legendary, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  2. QsK Legendary

    QsK Legendary Ancient
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    Wow this is great... not one view in the past 6 minutes....

    Soz dub post... I was just mad :p
    put o lot o time in this and not one view :p
    #2 QsK Legendary, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  3. QsK Legendary

    QsK Legendary Ancient
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    Hey bro... why dont you take a look at it? Hmm? Then decide if you freaking like it. Everyone thats played it so far thought it was the best one they have ever played... its evenly balanced so either the zombie or the human can win...
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    It looks like a pretty good vent map, but still kind of boring. I suggest that you add something to really make the game more fun. Also like mikelp said, please don't double post.
  5. QsK Legendary

    QsK Legendary Ancient
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    OH wow. Thanks jelly... You just gave me the best idea O_O


    #5 QsK Legendary, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  6. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    OK first things first, if you want to say on the site for a while, don't double post and don't fly off the handle at someone or get angry that no one is posting on your map. As for the map its self, I say move past the vent it is an ok idea and can't really go anywhere form here. It is hard to make a good mini game because it needs to be more original then regular maps and has to play really good. But that dosen't mean that you shouldn't keep trying to make a good mini game. No ones first couple maps are prefect, and just remeber the truth is not always want you want it to be. So keep on forgeing.
  7. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    yeah i have seen a bunch of these and to be honest people have been stealing your work
    every 8 year old tells me he or his friend made this map
    but good changes i like it
  8. swedishsnowman

    swedishsnowman Ancient
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    I liked to play v1, and this one is like 10x more awesome! Nice idea to have the back open, it was kinda boring when all the objects filled up the back of the vent. Nice interlocking too! The map doesn't look as crappy as the first one(no offense). 4.5/5
  9. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    I have been waiting on another version of vent!! Finally there is one!
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This one seems very cheatable. What if players dont evter the vent and just stay outside the map? I think you will need to fix this issue because the honor rule does not always work and it usualy ends up with people quiting and getting booted.
  11. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    Ive seen a million maps like this, but I think this one is very creative and is well secured so that noboby can get out of the map. Me and my friends will play this alot
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Ah, so you're the one that made this. I've been trying to figure that out for the longest time.
    Anyways, I've played the v2 of the original map, and when I read this, I was like, 'OMG, NO TRIP MINES?!?!?!' That was like the best way to get kills, too! Sadfaic
    Anyways, I remember that the Truck had the hardest time getting in there. Most of the time, it just jammed the whole thing up, and nothing could be shoved into the hole until it got out.

    Oh jeez, that sounds so wrong.
  13. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    This map reminds me of the new Indiana Jones movie....They should've left it the way it was...
  14. zero inx

    zero inx Ancient
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    At first this concept was original and was really fun to play. Unfortunately it's gone way too mainstream and countless amounts of times I've joined a party to be greeted by this or a variant of the same old map. Overall this is a very improved version with excellent forging shown but I just can't bring myself to play any more of it. Overall 4/5 for being a great map in itself.
  15. VGI dYn4sTy

    VGI dYn4sTy Ancient
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    great map man this is one of my favorites, great job forgeing i lov playing vent
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    im pretty sure that this has been over done do garbage man and doom tunnle ring any bells? 3/5 because it has some good things but its still boring. no dl for me
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Both the links take you to the gametype, I guess I'll just go to your fileshare but you should probably fix that. Good map, BTW. I like how the stuff doesn't just clog up in the back.
  18. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Its not like that, I thought Ihad the same problem, I was like at the bottom of the list with no oonline ratings and like 45 views, then I clicked on another page, and went back to home, and i had like 20 comments and 300 views, Im up to over 1000 now. Dont worry about it, your maps pretty cool, well amde with some cool ideas. nice job.

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