Ever wondered why when you betray humans on campaign they say you've gone section H? this is why. The SPARTAN I project held several flaws. Many spartans went mad and were detained in Cell Block 9 Section-H. The map has a prison block feel and it includes hidden passages! suitable for 2-6 players supports TS and Oddball also woop flaming signs! Cells provide good cover but beware of grenades! Rush for the sword! Top floor looking down ground floor ground floor back Where might he be going? rockets spawns after 90 seconds of play sniper spawns after 60 seconds of play weapons: 3x AR - 30 second respawn 6x BR - 30 second respawn 1x Shotgun - 60 second respawn 1x Sniper - 60 second respawn (not spawned at start) 8x SMG - 30 second respawn 4x Magnum - 30 second respawn 1x Rocket Launcher (not spawned at start) 1x Sword - 60 second respawn 1x Gravity Hammer - 60 second respawn 2x Carbine - 30 second respawn 1x Mauler - 30 second respawn (1 spare clip) 4x firebomb - 10s 4x frag - 10s 6x plasma - 10s 1x bubble shield - 60s 1x power drain - 60s 1x regenerator - 60s 2x grav lift - 30s leave comments feedback etc. so i might make a v2! DOWNLOAD & ENJOY! updated to v1.1
Just from looking at your pictures, i can see you have created a nicely laid out, well structured map. Your post is excellently presented too, which is a great thing. The only real thing that you're lacking is a list of weapons/equipment and supported gametypes. It doesn't look like you interlocked anything, but its not actually too bad from the pics. A lot of n00b maps that come on here are totally all over the place. Well done.
Hm unfair take another look he has interlocked all the walls and bridges and i think that not having the boxs interlocked gives it a nice feel almost like a real building unlike most structures (including my own) and i think this is a very nicely laid out map and beutifully executed prison. reminds me of a show that used to be on british tv called bad girls ;P
I retract that statement ... on further examination there is a good deal of it on the walls. Good karma. Also, i know the hawt blonde one from that series. She works in a psychiatric ward of a hospital now (no i do not go there ... a family member works with her).
Downloading now This is a nice idea for a map, i haven't seen a prison map before and the way you've created it, it looks quite good. I agree with the complete weapon list and spawn time thing but other than that this is a great post which is nicely presented, better than when I've tried at least - yet
This looks pretty cool! I love your idea...very well laid out!! Outstanding job! you have my DL...Also, to give it more of a cell look...you can use the concrete barriers flipped over as a bed inside the cells...I saw it done in previous maps...thats just an astetic thing though...but it would look cool too....
This is a nice map. I especially like the concept of it being in a prison. Another thing that I like is the grav-lifts right next to the crates and barrels, its fun to make them shoot up into the air and scare the crap out of an opponent. My only criticism is that is could have been a little neater and bigger. Good map.
Okay, I just had a forgethrough and I cringed. Map appears a lot bigger in the post but it stiil looks and has been made great. What I hate with a passion is your choice of weapons. A Mauler, A Sword and A Sniper are all within arms reach of each other, WHY!? The set out looks good, it did have an asylum-like feel to it. Also, the name Solitary has been used a few times in the past.
damn! this is sweet! this has an incredibly realistic prison-look to it, with all the levels and stuff. it looks awesome i gotta try this out!