Another possibility is that that part he was standing on is a clue to a new map, like another sand based map. Or it could be the in-depth foundry we always wanted.
Everyone knows how the weekly update showed santrap and said theres nothing out there. Or is there? Well that leads me and several other users to believe that the next map is under sandtrap. It would be the perfect size, and with a high enough cieling, the possibilities are endless. What do you say.
Dude, that just might be true. I'm not so sure, why would they build it under Sandtrap? I think that what they were trying to say, was that, even though there's nothing right there, that with the new Map Editor they're coming out, you'll be able to do everything with that spot. Idk, that's just my opinion.
Well people noticed the buildings in sandtrap look like the structure, and As far as we know the only place with those structures in sandtrap. WAIT! I had another idea. Outside of epitah look downand I'm pretty sure you see structures like sandtrap. They could open up epitaph larger.
They used Sandtrap as a visual for their "barren wasteland" of information, that's all. Don't read too much into it. Furthermore, Sandtrap is an abandoned Brute temple, no? I think Bungie is just taking the Brute design into another (possible Foundry-style) map, since human and Forerunner have been done a lot already.
I'm thinking that they are going to have Forerunner themes, human themes, etc. We just saw the Brute version of those.
My guess is that there was a hidden message within the "barren wasteland" image during the weekly update. I think they may have been refering to a "sandbox" map in a very, very, very indirect way. Of course I could just be reading into things a little too much.