7th Column vMLG I'll let the pics speak for the map. The Overview (Note, the AR and the barriers have been removed in this latest, MLG version) The Corner The Bottom Floor Spawn Times: BR x8 - 10sec Carbine x4 - 10sec Mauler x1 - 60 sec Snipes x1 - 90 sec (1 extra clip) Rocks x1 - 90sec (no extra clips) Plasma Pistol x2 30 sec Frag x10 - 10sec Plasma x8 - 10sec Note that each BR and Carbine comes with one grenade respectively. Plasma with Carbine, Frag with BR. All game types are supported, but only for 2 teams max. That is, no free for all, no multi-team. Just 4v4 matches. I have no doubt that you're all gonna love it. Enjoy.
Sounds like too many grenades, and just take either mauler or rocket for mlg. Otherwise it looks great! It seems to be balanced, and both sides are equally nice looking.
I like how this map is laid out and the fact that it sets itself apart from most MLG maps. What you did with the crate and teleporters in the first pic looks sweet. Did you put anything in place of the barriers or is just an open walkway? Anyways, great map and a 4.75/5
Ok this is another great MLG map. There is not one bad MLG map out thier I have like 12 MLG maps. This is great. Can't wait to see more. Keep it up.
There's a lot of clean interlocking going on here. I especially like the ramps and the teleporter sun-shape. They really stand out. Good job, 4/5.
Way to many grenades and power weapons like someone said above me, only use one, Sniper isn't good for Foundry Maps, its way to small. I'd go with the mauler. And reduce the grenades to about 4 each.
This is one of the sickest MLG maps I've ever seen, I have some constructive criticize though. The center area provides no cover: A guy could easily get four shotted. You should also make the first floor underneath the bridges more exciting, it looks like an open space to me.
Welcome to forgehub! This is the greatest first post I have seen in SOOOOO long! The map look great but Rockets and snipers aren't allowed on MLG foundry variants. However the slopes and structures you have created are excellant I'll check it out and rate later. It looks like you did a good job since its not completely MLG standards I'll give you a 4/5. But if you edit the map a little I would definately give that a 5/5
nice layout but i think that ther is to much grenades and im not a fan of these types of maps so... no dl for me
Welcome Excellent work. All set to download right after work. I don't DL too many maps, but I like the open (yet strategic) layout. I can see a lot of intense CTF on this one.
Amazing first post sir. This is deserving of rep. I am just baffled. Wonderful MLG map. This one stands out from all of the carbon copies that I have seen. Hope to see you around more Marcara!