Alien versus Predator: Requiem (Or AVP:R) V:1 *Pictures Added as Promised =]* From ether a Human or Alien Perspective (Sorry, no Predator.) Made By: Me, H3RMZ and rubberkiller32c as our first 'Good' Map. INDEX: 1. Description 2. How it Works 3. Other... 1: MAP DESCRIPTION: The Map is based from the Alien vs Predator: Requiem movie, and contains areas Such as a Small City and Sewer System. The Alpha Alien is considered the Predalien and there will be no Predator Perspective what so ever =[ 2. HOW IT WORKS: Players SHOULD start virtualy unarmed (Get the Game Varient...) well, against the likes of the Predalien... and must find other meens of 'Fighting Back' This innevietable struggle will pay off, however. As alott of the map's Weapons and Places are Time Based, and take time before becoming available. The 3 Key Areas are: 1. the Sewers, a Place that connects under the Main 'Road' and other Places. 2. The Gun Shop, available only later on in the game, and contains a SMALL amount of weapons, such as 2 SMGs, a Sniper Rifle, 2 Spikers and a Mauler. (Note that none of these will be all too effective at taking down the Predalien...) And Finaly 3: The Hospital. The Hospital is accessible by Humans after 3 Minutes, and is Genrally filled with 'Supplies' (Radar Jammers, Portable Shields ect..) and the odd Rocket launcher (Two Shots only...) So the map is pretty balanced. 3. The Humans must work as a team, and if they do that, they can genrally survive with minimal loss. However, a SINGLE Straggler can make a HUGE Difference. For instance the Predalien, baring only a Grav Hammer and Sword, needs to get Close and Personall. Being Slower than the Humans She has Problems if they are grouped together. Now if she gets one and Infects him/her then the Humans are going to have trouble dealing with two constant threats every second, especialy if one of them is a tank (Predalien... nuff said.) and one of them is a ****** but Fast (easilly killed, runs like a Cheetah.) The Humans may decide to Bunker up in the Shop, only to be overwhelmed by the Aliens dropping from vents ect... But in the End it's the Path you choose as an Alien or Human. And thats about it, Enjoy and leave Comments! Our FIRST MAP Whooh!! DOWNLOAD: Map Varient: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game Varient: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing (NOTE: Game Varient Highly Recommended!) Pictures: 1: Just a Corner... 2: A Look at the City... 3: The Sewers... 4: The 'Vault' Quote: In Small Town Collarado an Epic War between 3 Varying Species is Taking Place. Try Survive. -H3RMZ and rubberkiller32c
please embed you pics before you post if you need help click on my name and send me a private message
this post is not up to FH must embed at least 1 pic if you have any questions, feel free to PM me
He's working on it. Any other posts about this not being up to standards will be considered spam This looks like it has potential to be a very good map. I downloaded.
he wasnt talking about you or anyone above you he was just saying that if anyone BELOW him posts "Not up to standards" replies, he would report them for spam anyways I like the idea for the map, seems pretty interesting I will DL when you get some pics up
Thanks for that man. I'll post some pics after I get on my 360, these types of games are always welcome.
Well, I played, and I must say that this needs interlocking. This has no interlocking at all. Sorry, but 2/5. It's really sloppy and some rooms that were meant to be blocked off were easily entered my crouch-jumping a crooked wall.
Thanks! a V.2 focusing on interlocking and overall appearance is under consideration. But if I did, it would be a whole new Map... First, however, I'm dealing with my current 'Trial of a Sworsdmen Map.'
really cool. this is one of the very few city maps that arent gay ripoffs. I've played the map and the only thing you should change is the floor of the fault. delete the wall an the ground. you cant get on it without jumping. also you might want to also make a old school zombie map where the zombies are slow tough and no shields with plasma pistols. that would be fun on this map. also again change the covenant weapons into human weapons makes it more realistic.