I need a free video editor with A LOT OF effects, do you know where i could find one? please, i have studio 10 quick start and it has like nothing in it.
You probably already have windows movie maker right? Well, I was looking at this one video editing software that was free, but I didn't download it because I never finished making the video. I'll try to find it again and edit it into my post. One that is ok though and extremely easy, is jumpcut, which can be found at jumpcut.com. You don't even have to download it. It's online editing. EDIT: The one I almost used was avidemux. Try that.
Ugh...I know how you feel. Pinnacle sucks. I went from Studio Quickstart to Adobe Premier, but you have to buy that =\. To be honest, when I needed a free movie editor in between those two, I used Windows Movie Maker. Despite the fact its shipped with the system, it's a pretty decent editor.