Well glad this was featured... The gameplay was great and the geoglitching was pretty good too! Great job guys I would DL but I allready have
finally got featured awsome work i love ur use of interlocking on this map its so neat and i love the game play awsome job! 5/5
Nice, a featured map! these projects you make are always super cool, I in fact commented on the map before it was featured. Woot! Go me! Yes, this map does kick serious butt.
Were can i download it I'm new to this forge hub and I'm not sher were the links are to download the maps from bungie i see the varents but not the real map so uhh reply back would like oppriseat it thanks
i somehow knew that this wsa going to get featured someday! great map and nice interlocking. the geomerging could use some work though. 4/5
This is a pretty nice map. The looks of this is amazing. Didnt see original post but this for sure feature material. For dunkeldragon, you need to stay on topic. And I do somewhat agree with you. More of the popular forgers on this site are you know the ones with the upper ranks. But there are other great forgers who dont really post that much but he does have great maps. Look at some of PonyD's maps. They are totally awsome. His last one is defenitly better then this one. No offense to the creators of this map.
Nicely done, Tex and Shadow, Review hub did this the other day, it was awesome. It got one of the highest scores i believe, like a 9.5, thats ridiculous, congrats. This deffinately deserves all the recognision it gets,
this truely is a great map, my favorite out of the ones i have downloaded: Project X, Project S, and Project U
I like how in almost every feature, there is always one or two guys who say that the features are rigged, and then 1 or 2 guys who rate the map ... 1 or 2 ... lol...Anyways, **** them, thanks Ivory, thanks everyone, I appreciate it all, minus the 1 or 2. Shad0w's ass is finally premium, and that makes me so ****in happy, words can't describe this feeling...oh ya they can, I just went. teehee. <3 you all.
I really strongly love this map...but looking at your other maps..they were based on letters..I didnt see one in the pics i DLed played with my friends(they loved it so did I) but i didnt see the letter...this map is unbeliveably great...I hope to see a letter in the next map...congrats....
Well, that seemed fast. lulz. Congrats on the feature tex and viper. (Doesn't this make Shad0w Viper a prem noa? lol, he hardly ever comes to the site right?) Anyways, Project Z is an epic map. I'm not surprised that this was featured. I loved play 1 Flag here with fellow ForgeHubbers. (But I say again: Project X was the coolest! =D) Tex: Tell Viper to get on so he can be prem. noa!