Very nice looking, neat, symmetrical, interesting idea with the boxes spawning. Looks a bit wide open though, could use some more cover, interlocking is used just right. Can't see any geomerging, which is fine. 4/5 from me here. One more thing, clicky.
lol, nice "nobody cares about ur puns" touch... And i know how to geomerge, but i just didnt see the point in this map. And also, Im working on an SMM Infinity V2 that'll have more cover, but till then you'll have to suffer. and also before that is released my newer map SMM Prodigy, will be coming out soon, probably in the next two weeks...
I didn't give you any points off for not geomerging. Hell, my only map on Forgehub doesn't even have interlocking.
I know this could be taken as bumping, but i know you didn't, you took points off for lack of cover. I'm just pointing out that im not a flaming homosexual that thinks geomerging is bad because i dont know how to do it.
Looks too open, but it is still nice. The shield door attached to the single box could be a camping problem though.
Like you said, it is open, but your next map will not be open. Good idea. 4/5 since the map doesn't have a lot of cover.
I don't get it. Anyway, this is a pretty cool map for slayer in my opinion. I haven't seen too many slayer maps that use the back part. 4/5. Could use some interlocking but looks good even without.
3.5/5 because of the lack of geomerging and lack of cover. ill go play it and change the numbers accordingly. looks good tho.
i guess it has nice gaemplay, but needs more cover and more of an idea or layout. you should also put at least 1 geo-merged thing. 3/5
It does have interlocking, look at the last two pictures, and also theres more interlocking throughout the map.
Being spawn-killed by people is bad enough. Being Spawn killed by the environment is enough to make some people quit. You would probably remove the spawn point from the section that the barrel flies through.
acctually, there is a very slim chance of spawning in there when the barrels fly... and they're on never respawn, so they stop people from spawning in there after 180 seconds...
Hey I noticed there were vehicles on the map, I'm not much for that, but anyway theres weapons in the back bases and from what I can see nothing back there for cover. There's little or no interlocking, major turn off. Oh, and its missing aesthetics and originality. On the bright side it plays well and is good for just games but not much to look at. Nice job on the post to. 3/5